Uwe Stender
Literary Agent
Triada US Literary Agency
Founder @triadaus, Literary/Film Agent. Herthaner. Berliner Schnauze. Westend. Qualität kommt von Qual. 1982,1991, 2013, 2017. Books, Films, Music. ❤ Berlin ❤
Literary Agent
Ashley LeTourneau @letourash
@UweStenderPhD What do you or other agents look for when reading through a requested MS? What makes you want to say YES to representing that writer?For ME, as I can't speak for others, if I keep putting the book aside even though I like it, that is not a good sign as I have to LOVE it. If I want to cancel dinner plans so I can stay home and read, then I found a WINNER.
Literary Agent
Nancy Parish @nancyparish
@UweStenderPhD #askagent How do you know when a manuscript has been revised enough. Both beta readers and critique group have read.When you can't think of anything else to really make it better.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Shanice Littlejohn is revising @twixsftbl
@UweStenderPhD I can never figure out what it means when people say write your synopsis in the voice of your character. Please God give me clarification cuz im about to lose all my edges trying to write this! pic.twitter.com/VGOJSSOTFcI don't require a synopsis. But WHY for the sake of all that is holy would you want to write a synopsis in the voice of the character? It's an outline of a book. Writing it in the voice of the protagonist sounds utterly insane AND annoying to me. You need better advisers.
Literary Agent
A M Duperre (Doo-perry) @A_M_Duperre
@UweStenderPhD There’s been some debate about author websites in my writing group. Do you think it matters where you get your site from: wix, google, Wordpress, etc? #askagentI really think people are overthinking the most ridiculous details. Focus on writing a great book. If you were to get rejected, because an agent prefers wix over weebly, then the agent has issues that you certainly don't want to deal with. Work on your craft.
Literary Agent
Jonathan Nevair @JNevair
@UweStenderPhD Once you are querying a standalone MS with series potential what do you do? I hear you don't want to write a sequel in case #1 doesn't get rep or sell. Do you work on a whole new MS? B/c I hear the market likes to know/see a series in development following book #1... Confused...Have an outline for book two, in case book 1 gets picked up, you will have a while to write book 2. Then write another book, or work on book 2 if you are an optimist. Write what you feel compelled to write.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Stephanie L. WARD 🦄💖 @StephaineWard
@UweStenderPhD If I'm getting a mixed bag of reasonings in my query rejections, how do I judge when to pull back and dive back into revisions? #askagentWow, great question that I cannot answer. If there is a certain "theme," then work on that, if it is truly random, I would not.
Literary Agent
Céline Talbot @afinalattempt
@UweStenderPhD @jenichappelle Hello, if I am writing a saga, should I start querying when I have the polished first volume and a detailed outline of the rest or when I have finished and polished the whole saga? Thank youYou need the finished first book. (and ideally an outline for what happens next). However, I would not necessarily write the other books, just in case you can't sell the first one.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
💙CT Moor💙😜 @ct_moor
@UweStenderPhD Hi Uwe, thanks for doing this.#AskAgent Do you accept queries from UK authors?
I accept queries from anywhere in the world.
Literary Agent
K. Hawthorne @kihawthorne
@UweStenderPhD Should a new author already have an author website set up if they haven't published anything yet?You should have a website.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Sally Hanan|Inksnatcher 📚 @inksnatcher
@UweStenderPhD What's the theme of the book you just read twice and love? 😊Love and loss and hope.
Literary Agent
MaryAnn DAlto @AnnDslto
@UweStenderPhD Here is my question: What is just the right amount of information to provide in a query letter about one's self? I tend to err on the side of very little about me (schools, profession, vegetarian) so as not to bore the Agent or take up their time. What say you?I like your approach.
Literary Agent
ElizabethWrites @ElizabethWrite4
@UweStenderPhD oh my god what do I even ask :Olol if you see someone who is super duper excited about politics and is also a writer, are you going to tell them to shut up about it on their writer account or should we be passionate anyhow (asking for a friend? /no )?
I don't care unless you are a fascist. My grandfather would NEVER have allowed me to work with a fascist, a Nazi, or a Nazi sympathizer. I respect my grandpa more than anyone ever in my life, so there is that.
Literary Agent
Kendall Morgan Hall @KendallMHall
@UweStenderPhD @LRyan_Storms My question is social media related. Have you (or an agent you know of) ever told a debut author that they didn’t have enough twitter or instagram followers to be taken seriously by a publisher? If so, is there a “magic number”? I hope that’s not a dumb question. 😬For nonfiction, the platform has to be huge. For fiction, nobody should care. Sooo, it depends if your project is fiction or nonfiction.
Literary Agent
🇵🇷🌻🦋Selena DelValle🌎🦈 @selenadv7
@UweStenderPhD What is your opinion if an agent rejects a query because she didn't connect with the story, but then a week later asks for a partial to be sent?As long as she didn't explain WHY she changed her mind, I would ignore her. If the emails seem to be random, disconnected emails, not mentioning the first one, she either has memory issues OR she is hopping on a trend. Either way she doesn't really seem to care about your work.
Literary Agent
Julie L Whitehead @julielwhitehea1
@UweStenderPhD For a nonfiction book proposal, is a synopsis included in the cover letter or a separate part of the package?I am not sure I understand your question. You query first, and then if you get interest, you will send the proposal and sample.