Kaitlyn Johnson
Literary Agent
Belcastro Agency
Agent @belcastr. insta: kjbelcastro. Freelance Editor. Serial comma for life. She/her. Query at QueryManager.com/1147
Literary Agent
Meg LaTorre @MegLaTorre
I'm THRILLED to share my latest Writer's Digest article, which asks the big question: to prologue or not to... fb.me/zbvJRyyqMeg has GREAT writing tips! Check out her new @WritersDigest piece on prologues. #amwriting #amquerying #querytip
Literary Agent
#querytip #Writers, I do not represent picture/chapter books or nonfiction. Please do not sub these to me! 😐 #amquerying
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
It makes me so sad when I LOVE a query...and then the novel is over 150k words. Why do you tease me this way? #querytip #amquerying
Literary Agent
I am not MRS. Johnson. Okay? Nope. BIG NOPE. Please don't ever query me with that title #querytip #amquerying
Literary Agent
If I read one more "NAME just wants to be normal" or "NAME isn't like other girls" query, I'm gonna throw up... #querytip #amquerying
Literary Agent
Corvisiero Agency @CorvisieroLit
IMPORTANT: Queries submitted via email prior to today will still be read! All new queries should be submitted via the agents Query Manager.Please be sure to send to new inbox! Only queries in the old inbox from before 10/10/17 will be read #querytip ❤️ querymanager.com/query/KaitlynJ…
Literary Agent
If you are #amquerying, please use this link for my inbox: QueryMe.Online/KaitlynJohnson. Corvisiero has switched to Query Manager #querytip
Literary Agent
There is a difference between "passed" and "past".
Are you using the correct one in your pages?
#amreading #querytip
Literary Agent
Welcome @kortney_price to the Corvisiero team! Writers, be sure to check out her guidelines and wishlist! corvisieroagency.com/kortney-price.… #querytip
Literary Agent
#CLAqueries #querytip Daily Typo Winner: "I hate attached requested synopsis and pages" 😂😂😂
Literary Agent
#CLAqueries #querytip Please title your novels. It can be anything. Editors will probably change it. But it should not be "untitled".
Literary Agent
ooo, historical fantasy with strong women? YES, PLEASE! Into the Potentials folder you go! #CLAqueries #querytip
Literary Agent
#CLAqueries "I offer a rarity in publishing: an original idea" --> Don't say this. You just insulted the industry and myself #querytip
Literary Agent
Kaitlyn Johnson @kaitylynne13
#CLAqueries Don't respond to a rejection by arguing when I say I didn't connect to your query. 1/2 #querytip #amqueryingYour agent should 100% love your work. Shouldn't be forced to like it. Can't sell what we don't enjoy, too #querytip #amquerying 2/2
Literary Agent
#CLAqueries Don't respond to a rejection by arguing when I say I didn't connect to your query. 1/2 #querytip #amquerying
Literary Agent
#CLAqueries A synopsis is a spoiler list of events and plot, not a long paragraph explaining each main character #querytip #amquerying