Kaitlyn Johnson

Literary Agent

Belcastro Agency

Kaitlyn Johnson
Literary Agent
Agent @belcastr . insta: kjbelcastro. Freelance Editor. Serial comma for life. She/her. Query at QueryManager.com/1147
279 MSWL
345 AskAgent
55 Queries
385 Tips

Rachael Bell-Irving @rbellirving

@kaitylynne13 Sorry more questions: my characters have LGBT+, disability, and POC identities, but that’s mostly not a part of the plot. Do I mention that representation or not? #askanagent
Replying to @rbellirving

This, too, is up to you. You can mention this kind of cast or not. I love seeing a diverse cast with these elements (cause I so want more LGBT, POC, disability, &mental health) but again, you shouldn't feel you MUST say it to be noticed #askagent

Kaitlyn Johnson
Literary Agent
Agent @belcastr . insta: kjbelcastro. Freelance Editor. Serial comma for life. She/her. Query at QueryManager.com/1147
279 MSWL
345 AskAgent
55 Queries
385 Tips

🐱Ellen Whitfield IS QUERYING🐱 @EllenWfield

@kaitylynne13 How do you feel about writers whose debuts are part of a series?
Replying to @EllenWfield

That doesn't bother me at all. Depends on genre/age, but having a series isn't deal breaker. Just make sure Book 1 can feel satisfying and provide closure on its own, just in case the second isn't picked up #askagent

Kaitlyn Johnson
Literary Agent
Agent @belcastr . insta: kjbelcastro. Freelance Editor. Serial comma for life. She/her. Query at QueryManager.com/1147
279 MSWL
345 AskAgent
55 Queries
385 Tips
Kaitlyn Johnson
Literary Agent
Agent @belcastr . insta: kjbelcastro. Freelance Editor. Serial comma for life. She/her. Query at QueryManager.com/1147
279 MSWL
345 AskAgent
55 Queries
385 Tips
Kaitlyn Johnson
Literary Agent
Agent @belcastr . insta: kjbelcastro. Freelance Editor. Serial comma for life. She/her. Query at QueryManager.com/1147
279 MSWL
345 AskAgent
55 Queries
385 Tips
Kaitlyn Johnson
Literary Agent
Agent @belcastr . insta: kjbelcastro. Freelance Editor. Serial comma for life. She/her. Query at QueryManager.com/1147
279 MSWL
345 AskAgent
55 Queries
385 Tips

The Self-Care Enthusiast: prepping for DEC #PitMad @carleelynnlloyd

@kaitylynne13 Thank you! I watched a course by the manuscript academy that suggested for fiction or non-fiction you begin building a platform abd have your work seen/talled about on podcasts before querying.
Replying to @carleelynnlloyd

ah, for nonfiction I see it. For fiction, if you've not even started querying yet (or if you are unpublished), I wonder why a podcast would slate you to speak? Just because, podcasts usually have published authors or to-be-published for interviews #askagent (1/2)

Kaitlyn Johnson
Literary Agent
Agent @belcastr . insta: kjbelcastro. Freelance Editor. Serial comma for life. She/her. Query at QueryManager.com/1147
279 MSWL
345 AskAgent
55 Queries
385 Tips
Kaitlyn Johnson
Literary Agent
Agent @belcastr . insta: kjbelcastro. Freelance Editor. Serial comma for life. She/her. Query at QueryManager.com/1147
279 MSWL
345 AskAgent
55 Queries
385 Tips
Kaitlyn Johnson
Literary Agent
Agent @belcastr . insta: kjbelcastro. Freelance Editor. Serial comma for life. She/her. Query at QueryManager.com/1147
279 MSWL
345 AskAgent
55 Queries
385 Tips

Katie LaRae @The_Katie_LaRae

@kaitylynne13 How do you decide between requesting a partial or full manuscript when you get a submission you like? (Thanks for doing this!)
Replying to @The_Katie_LaRae

If I'm head over heels, I might ask for full. But usually, if my list of TBR is already really long, I'll do partial because I know I need to focus on the fulls I already have #askagent

Kaitlyn Johnson
Literary Agent
Agent @belcastr . insta: kjbelcastro. Freelance Editor. Serial comma for life. She/her. Query at QueryManager.com/1147
279 MSWL
345 AskAgent
55 Queries
385 Tips

Rachael Bell-Irving @rbellirving

@kaitylynne13 Are there any keywords or buzzwords that instantly turn you on or off a query? #askanagent
Replying to @rbellirving

I weirdly hate "spunky" or "feisty" lol and the whole "not your normal kid" lines. It's overused or cliche and doesn't really tell me anything #askagent

Kaitlyn Johnson
Literary Agent
Agent @belcastr . insta: kjbelcastro. Freelance Editor. Serial comma for life. She/her. Query at QueryManager.com/1147
279 MSWL
345 AskAgent
55 Queries
385 Tips

Isabel Arcane @IsabelArcane

@kaitylynne13 In my current Fantasy MS my MC is latina but I never state this in my queries. I also haven't been labeling my MS as own voices. Is this something I should start mentioning in future queries in pitches and does it matter?
Replying to @IsabelArcane

That is purely up to you. I love seeing the tag #ownvoices, but it's not mandatory. A great story is a great story and I will request based on that plot and wonderful voice. You shouldn't be forced to use it or feel you HAVE to in order to be requested ❤️ #askagent

Kaitlyn Johnson
Literary Agent
Agent @belcastr . insta: kjbelcastro. Freelance Editor. Serial comma for life. She/her. Query at QueryManager.com/1147
279 MSWL
345 AskAgent
55 Queries
385 Tips
Kaitlyn Johnson
Literary Agent
Agent @belcastr . insta: kjbelcastro. Freelance Editor. Serial comma for life. She/her. Query at QueryManager.com/1147
279 MSWL
345 AskAgent
55 Queries
385 Tips
Kaitlyn Johnson
Literary Agent
Agent @belcastr . insta: kjbelcastro. Freelance Editor. Serial comma for life. She/her. Query at QueryManager.com/1147
279 MSWL
345 AskAgent
55 Queries
385 Tips

Carla Rehse @CRehse

@kaitylynne13 Thanks for this! Is there a market for younger spec fic YA? Like a 14 yr old MC?
Replying to @CRehse

14 is that shadow area lol we're trying to bulk it! I think there's definitely potential and, if that's your story, WRITE IT. You could start the landslide. But yes, I personally want to see more in this age w/ younger voice. #askagent

Kaitlyn Johnson
Literary Agent
Agent @belcastr . insta: kjbelcastro. Freelance Editor. Serial comma for life. She/her. Query at QueryManager.com/1147
279 MSWL
345 AskAgent
55 Queries
385 Tips

Stephanie Bolla @StephanieNBolla

@kaitylynne13 Hello! First, thank you for taking the time to do this. When you are reading through queries from different writers, what is the most common mistake you see writers make?
Replying to @StephanieNBolla

Oof. A lot is not knowing how to write a professional query (i.e. spending too much time on bio or not giving me the hook/conflict). Sometimes, they don't give me what's unique. Great details, but what makes your story different? I need that! lol #askagent

Kaitlyn Johnson
Literary Agent
Agent @belcastr . insta: kjbelcastro. Freelance Editor. Serial comma for life. She/her. Query at QueryManager.com/1147
279 MSWL
345 AskAgent
55 Queries
385 Tips

Rachael is at 57,339 words💻☕ @RachaelEWrites

@kaitylynne13 How might one put that in a query? I saw some agents (I googled tis and didn't get a 100% solid answer...) and some Agents were like, "Nah. If I don't like it, then I don't like it. Trigger warnings mean nothing to me."
Replying to @RachaelEWrites

I think it's hit or miss. Either we want it or we don't mind it being absent. So it can't hurt. I would do a disclaimer (perhaps after the pitch or maybe in the metadata paragraph) that just states this story does address blank, blank, and blank. #askagent

Kaitlyn Johnson
Literary Agent
Agent @belcastr . insta: kjbelcastro. Freelance Editor. Serial comma for life. She/her. Query at QueryManager.com/1147
279 MSWL
345 AskAgent
55 Queries
385 Tips
Kaitlyn Johnson
Literary Agent
Agent @belcastr . insta: kjbelcastro. Freelance Editor. Serial comma for life. She/her. Query at QueryManager.com/1147
279 MSWL
345 AskAgent
55 Queries
385 Tips

The Self-Care Enthusiast: prepping for DEC #PitMad @carleelynnlloyd

@kaitylynne13 How many podcasts etc should you get yourself booked on before querying? Is it possible to have a lifelong career with both fiction & non-fiction works, or just stick to 1 genre? Any good agents that represent both you can suggest?
Replying to @carleelynnlloyd

Podcasts really aren't a mandatory thing. None of mine have been on any, and it feels odd (unless nonfiction) that you'd be required to before querying. I can't name any agents at the moment, but it's definitely possible to be successful in both nonfiction and fiction #askagent

Kaitlyn Johnson
Literary Agent
Agent @belcastr . insta: kjbelcastro. Freelance Editor. Serial comma for life. She/her. Query at QueryManager.com/1147
279 MSWL
345 AskAgent
55 Queries
385 Tips

Aurora Thornton @Aurora_T_Books

@kaitylynne13 Guess this one might be a little on the nose, but - how to appropriately interact with agents on Twitter as an author? As far as following, liking posts, etc?
Replying to @Aurora_T_Books

You can totally follow, like posts, even comment on them! Don't expect answers all the time and don't plague the agent with messages/comments, but we welcome writers getting to know us! And deff participate when they do events like this! #askagent

Kaitlyn Johnson
Literary Agent
Agent @belcastr . insta: kjbelcastro. Freelance Editor. Serial comma for life. She/her. Query at QueryManager.com/1147
279 MSWL
345 AskAgent
55 Queries
385 Tips

Rachael is at 57,339 words💻☕ @RachaelEWrites

@kaitylynne13 Hello, Question! What are your thoughts on trigger warnings? Like, should queries of books with content that deals with things such as suicide, assault, depression, the like possesses them? #askagent
Replying to @RachaelEWrites

I think they're helpful. I do this with editors so they can immediately tell me "this isn't for me." Personally, I'm not a huge fan of cancer stories (having recently lost family members) and I don't do graphic rape. So, if that's in there, a warning is needed. #askagent