Kaitlyn Johnson
Literary Agent
Belcastro Agency
Agent @belcastr. insta: kjbelcastro. Freelance Editor. Serial comma for life. She/her. Query at QueryManager.com/1147

Literary Agent
Armanis Ar-feinial(Author) @Sarcastic_elf
@RedPenKaitlyn Question: is there a time frame when you don't hear back from an agent that you should consider a pass on the project?I'd say a year. I know it's a lot! I suggest checking in after three months. Then again after two more months and so on. If no answers, assume a pass #askagent

Literary Agent
K Phoenix @KPhoenix_Writes
@RedPenKaitlyn If we've queried you before, but the MS has been *significantly* updated are you happy to be queried again? And if so, how would you suggest mentioning it in a query letter? Thank you!!Definitely! I always welcome edited works. You can simply say it's had a deep edit since the last submission #askagent

Literary Agent
Kaitlyn Johnson - Closed to Queries @RedPenKaitlyn
@EJMcKennaWrites Lots of telling language, where we aren't in the character's head/feeling like we're experiencing the story rather than being told a story.I'm a person who likes intimacy with characters and loves the internal emotion/physical reaction added to make it 3D #askagent
Starting a story right off the bat with sex or abuse is also a big no for me. Just not my cup of tea #askagent
also, falling into memories. I want to be in the NOW and learn about the backstory delicately throughout

Literary Agent
E J McKenna is querying @EJMcKennaWrites
@RedPenKaitlyn What about the opening pages would make you stop reading?Lots of telling language, where we aren't in the character's head/feeling like we're experiencing the story rather than being told a story.
I'm a person who likes intimacy with characters and loves the internal emotion/physical reaction added to make it 3D #askagent

Literary Agent
Chris Johns @creativeChrisJ
@RedPenKaitlyn Hi Kaitlyn, in a query letter, do put more stock in the brief synopsis of the book or the author's background and experience?So, a synopsis is very different than a query, so be sure to research that. But I definitely put more consideration into your pitch than your bio. You do NOT need a super impressive bio! #askagent

Literary Agent
M.Rose is writing @mayroundstone
@RedPenKaitlyn If you have a query letter that isn’t necessarily the greatest, how likely are you to read their work? I get that agents have a bazillion subs in their inbox and have to make quick decisions, I just wonder what might play a bigger role in your decision, pages or query letter?I read pages unless it's 100% not a genre or elements of plot I don't represent (on screen rape, nonfiction, etc.). Many agents I know understand it's hard to write a query and we still consider at least your first page to gauge voice/style. #askagent it's usually a merge of both

Literary Agent
Daniel James is pitching in PitMad!!👽 @uncannydanni
@RedPenKaitlyn So I have a book I publish online (not the book I'm querying) that has a decent audience, how big of an audience do I have to have for it to be beneficial to me to include it in my queries under publications?hmmm that really depends. You can deff add it to the bio as a self published title that has had "success". It's not the one you're querying so I see no reason not to include it! Especially if it's being loved #askagent

Literary Agent
Arty⁉️🌹 @CuriousArtemis
@RedPenKaitlyn Should you even bother querying if your book is about 20k over the "generally accepted" word count for that genre (in this case YA fantasy - I've been leaning towards adult because of the word count issue!)your best bet is to try to get it as close to 110k as possible. That's around where YA fantasy is right now (I often suggest shooting for 100k). If you're not too far off, an agent will be able to keep editing in mind and still be willing to work with you #askagent

Literary Agent
Dragonness Wyverna @DragonnessRawr
@RedPenKaitlyn How do you write a query for a boo with 2 authors? (Also, do you fill out a queryshark form for two authors?)often, you can dual paragraph.
ex: introduce 1st character - opening situation in book
Introduce 2nd character - opening situation in book
Introduce conflict that brings the two together
Introduce the stakes and how they merge their stories to provide on outcome #askagent

Literary Agent
Ponderingcorporis @Ponderingcorpo
@RedPenKaitlyn Also, would you ever take up a fantasy series if the first book was self-published, but there are 3-4 more left in the series?Often, unless it had intense, successful sales, most agents won't be able to sign you on the sequels. They'd prefer you query them on something new #askagent

Literary Agent
Amy Nordhues @Amy_Nordhues
@RedPenKaitlyn If an agent requested a proposal after meeting via zoom at a conference and they say they are busy but will get to it and say I can follow up as often as I’d like...how long do I wait before first check in?I always say 3 months. We have a ton of submissions and then plus client manuscripts, contracts, etc., it can take a while. I welcome writers checking in after 3 months #askagent

Literary Agent
David Neuner @david_neuner
@RedPenKaitlyn Thank you do much for taking the time to do an ask agent session.Could you share your thoughts on New Adult fiction and where you feel stories about the college experience should be marketed?
I WISH NA was a thing, but many agents/editors shy away from that term. Often, we now say YA w/ adult crossover potential or vice versa. College stories depend on theme, if they deal more with younger themes or more adult ones #askagent

Literary Agent
Jordan Safranski ✍🏼 Freelance Writer @JordanSafranski
@RedPenKaitlyn Hi Kaitlyn! Something I always wonder is if having a strong social media following is something you take into consideration when you’re determining whether or not to represent a writer. Thanks! ☺️For fiction, not really. I can work with a writer on that. It's more about having a positive social media presence. We will most likely pass if the writer seems to be fighting, bullying, or engaging in problematic things on social media #askagent

Literary Agent
Charles Petrie @october_fish
@RedPenKaitlyn @JazdzewskiTara What's the thinking on an opening line that begins with a cuss word?And
how important are beginnings to any length of story?
If it makes sense to the story/character, I don't have a problem with it. Depends on the agent, I'd assume.
Beginnings are the most edited spots! That being said, if the voice/situation/action isn't engaging or doesn't make sense to overall plot? You might get a pass. #askagent

Literary Agent
Savannah Cash @cavalierbasil
@RedPenKaitlyn If you have a series, and you've already written several of the books already, and you've fully plotted out the rest, should you mention this in any way in a query?If the first depends on the others, meaning it can't technically stand alone, I would say it's the first in an intended series. You don't need to mention the sequels and whatnot unless the agent wants to chat further about the story #askagent

Literary Agent
coffeehousescribbler 🇨🇦🇮🇪 @coffeehousescr1
@RedPenKaitlyn Specific genres you prefer?I absolutely love fantasy, contemporary, contemporary romance (and paranormal romance and general), historical, MG horror. Those are my big loves =] #askagent

Literary Agent
Jessie Knutson @JesKnutson
@RedPenKaitlyn @dmniccoli They don’t age in the story. The story centers on family so I have multiple POVs with mature voices, but the agent wouldn’t see that in the opening pages.Hm, are some of the POVs older than 18/19? If so, I would state your story contains multiple POVs of varying age ranges. That will clue the agent into the potential reasoning for labeling it adult. #askagent

Literary Agent
defy every cynical narrative 🏳️🌈 @tehartley
@RedPenKaitlyn @JesKnutson @dmniccoli Similar question: is there a good rule on whether people should query YA or adult agents for books that are crossover or fall into the "new adult" 18-22 age bracket?Depends on the themes/age. If a character is 18/19, most likely YA with adult crossover potential. If older, you're probably falling into Adult w/ YA crossover and should query agents accordingly #askagent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
C. A. Crisóstomo🇧🇷🏳️🌈☂️ @CACrisostomo5
@RedPenKaitlyn Hello Kaitlyn!If I've made major edits on a submission that has been sent and close to the agent's ''deadline'' for an answer, should I email them and ask if they would like to review the new material or should I wait for the time to be due?
Thank you very much! #askagent
It's never a problem to be done sooner than expected. You should be fine emailing them to ask if it's okay to send the work now rather than later =] #askagent