Dara Kaye

Literary Agent

Ross Yoon Agency

Literary Agent at @RossYoon. @smithcollege, @UCL, & @FulbrightPrgrm alum. Mom to a two-year-old chaos muppet.

Dara Kaye
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @RossYoon . @smithcollege , @UCL , & @FulbrightPrgrm alum. Mom to a two-year-old chaos muppet.
11 Tips

June Hur, Queen of the Heo Clan @WriterJuneHur

I never thought this day would come, and it still feels very unreal to me, but I'M GOING TO BE A PUBLISHED AUTHOR.

My book is a murder mystery set in Joseon Dynasty Korea, & also a coming-of-age tale about a girl searching for home. It'll be out in the world in 2020! ๐Ÿ˜ญ pic.twitter.com/vQR0sRk8og

Oh I'll read the heck out of this one!

And it seems like a good time to remind #amquerying Twitter that high on my #MSWL for SFF/spec fic are stories set in Korea and/or that draw on Korean myth and history
