Alexandra Levick
Literary Agent
Writers House
Literary Agent & Media Rights Manager at Writers House, LLC. I believe in books. Always learning. Opinions are my own. She/Her.
Literary Agent
Quick #querytip!
Please make sure that whatever email address you're sending your query from, you will retain access to no matter what.
Ex: sometimes folks send from their work email, to later leave the job. Then there's no real way for us to get in contact.
Literary Agent
Please be sure to include your age category AND your genre in your query letter.
#querytip #amquerying #querytrenches
Literary Agent
Allie Levick @AllieLevick
In addition, if you can drum up a competitive situation for yourself (more than one agent interested) that is almost always a better place to be and ends up giving you more choice and more power. Therefore, you should let everyone you queried know! (2/?)Aside from that, it’s very frustrating to read a query carefully and reply thoughtfully only to have someone say they already accepted an offer. And that’s just me being really honest with you.
#amquerying #querytip
Literary Agent
It's not a great look to speak poorly of the books you're comping to in your query letter.
#querytip #amquerying
Literary Agent
Please, please. Follow the query guidelines. And a reminder, you may NOT query more than one agent within Writers House at a time! #amquerying #querytrenches #querytip
Literary Agent
Often when authors pitch books they tiptoe around the plot. They’ll lead with themes and why this book is important but don’t actually discuss the protagonist or their journey. Getting me invested in a particular character is almost always my best entry point. #querytip
Literary Agent
First #querytip of 2019! Word count is much more helpful to provide in a query letter than page count. (Think about it, depending on the font, size, spacing, etc. the same number of words could take up a range of page lengths.)
Literary Agent
#Querytip I would suggest adding your title to the subject line of your query email. (Ex: Query for TITLE) Sometimes a title catches my eye and I'll read it immediately! #amquerying #querytrenches
Literary Agent
It can be very disorienting to read a #query that makes no mention of its genre. Not only does genre help me think critically about how this project will fit in the market, it tells me that you are also aware of where this project sits on the shelf. #amquerying #querytip
Literary Agent
I’m working through #queries today and have noticed a number of people comping to Harry Potter, Twilight, etc. Gentle reminder that it is almost never a good idea to comp to a franchise of this size. Too often, this feels like an uninformed choice. #querytip #querytrenches
Literary Agent
🚨#querytip make sure to include your NAME and your TITLE! I find that roughly 1/30 queries is missing one or the other! I personally don't like to assume someone's name based only on their email handle and very much like to personalize my rejections. #amquerying #querytrenches
Literary Agent
If you accept an offer of representation, please email the other agents you queried to remove your manuscript from consideration. #querytip #amquerying
Literary Agent
Genevieve Gagne-Hawes @genevievejude
When submitting, standardize formatting in your MS: indents, margins, etc. It can be hard to read oddly formatted MSs, and given how tired our eyes get by day's end, you don’t want to risk anything that might be an instant turn-off. #querytips #amqueryingAgree agree agree #querytip
Literary Agent
I didn't think I would *ever* need to say this, but please don't insult the agent you're querying for representation...
#amquerying #querytrenches #querytip
Literary Agent
Please don't address queries 'Hi Beautiful.' #querytip #amquerying
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
If you’re looking to learn more about #picturebooks @literaticat’s podcast this week is particularly great!#querytip…
Literary Agent
Make sure your #query makes sense to people who don't intimately know your story. #querytip #amquerying
Literary Agent
You should only be #querying one agent per agency. Yes, we do figure it out if you query more than one. #querytip #amquerying
Literary Agent
Reminder: you should NOT be #querying multiple agents at the same agency. #querytip #amquerying #amediting