Literary Agent
Literary Agency
#Authors-- you MUST know where you book is going to fit on shelves. If you don't, it means that you're not reading enough. Know your genre, and know it well!… #QueryTip #AmQuerying #AmWriting
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
Your query is just as important as your book-- workshop it. revise it. get a critique partner for it. Only send it out when it's 100% ready. #QueryTip #AmQuerying
Literary Agent
Cristal is mostly on hiatus🌴 @onaredhorse
The problem with querying the first book in a series is you can't mention the disaster wlw who show up in later books. lol Though to be fair, #QueerDisasterSwagger is my brand regardless of gender. :D…Speaking only for myself and not all agents, but honestly if you know an agent wants something specific that shows up in later books, I think it's fine to mention that in the query letter! Certainly I would love to know. #querytip
Literary Agent
Caitlin McDonald @literallycait
Aaaand it's done! I've officially responded to all queries*! I'm excited to dive into the very excellent fulls I've requested this month, so those authors should stay tuned. #amagenting*other than ones that were withdrawn or had already found representation
Literary Agent
Hope this latest blog post helps authors view the process in a different light #querytip #askagent
Literary Agents Query Too:…
Literary Agent
BookEnds Literary Agency @bookendslit
Hey #WritingCommunity, #ICYMI, @BookEndsJessica and @jamerrson discussed HOW TO FOLLOW UP WITH LITERARY AGENTS:… #AmQueryingGreat conversation here! When to follow up with agents considering your work, and how to go about it.
#amquerying #querytip #WritingCommunity
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Caitlin McDonald @literallycait
A Note: I understand the opening pages may not reflect your protagonist at their best. I understand about character arcs. In fact, I love seeing difficult characters grow into less shitty people! I even prefer them to Always Morally Upright Characters, bless their hearts.But there's a difference between a query letter pitching a character who grows, and pitching a Hero who then, in the sample pages, unironically views women as prizes. Author Awareness makes a difference. #querytip
Literary Agent
Dear Authors,
Please don’t use italics for your query letter.
An agent who probably needs glasses
#querytip #SlushInsight
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Susan, A Graham @Grahamophones
A baby bit more inbox etiquette! If someone sends a pass on your work, please don't respond asking to recommend you to someone else. This seems rude of me to say, on its face, but imagine an agent already is usually thinking about the market & who would buy it -#subtip #querytipLiterary Agent
Susan, A Graham @Grahamophones
I can definitely do threads about "what makes an effective query," at some pt but a lot of people get so overwhelmed by queries that they don't respond if you don't follow guidelines. So this thread today has mostly been about submissions inbox etiquette.Literary Agent
Allie Levick @AllieLevick
In addition, if you can drum up a competitive situation for yourself (more than one agent interested) that is almost always a better place to be and ends up giving you more choice and more power. Therefore, you should let everyone you queried know! (2/?)Aside from that, it’s very frustrating to read a query carefully and reply thoughtfully only to have someone say they already accepted an offer. And that’s just me being really honest with you.
#amquerying #querytip