Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#PubTip = media kit should include press info, like @RoniLoren does here: roniloren.com/presskit/
Literary Agent
#PubTip = media kit should include a media page, like @mikemartinez72 does here: michaeljmartinez.net/media/
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Working on author media kits this morning. Do it like this: michaeljmartinez.net/media/ @mikemartinez72 #pubtip
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
Literary Agent
ICYMI: 4 Publishing Industry “Rules” You Can Break (and 6 You MUST follow!) ow.ly/za27300u73D #pubtip
Literary Agent
Thursday! "Publishing Your First Novel in the 21st Century" Join me! (incl 5pg crit) ow.ly/qdiZ300uat4 #pubtip
Literary Agent
FYI, writers, I don't really need to know in your cover letter that an idea came to you in the shower. #pubtip #amwriting
Literary Agent
Got queries w/ word counts of 25K (too low) to 150K (too high), Always exceptions but most nonfiction btwn 60K to 90K. #pubtip #amwriting