Jennifer Azantian
Literary Agent
Literary Agent. Stepmom. Mom to puppies Zuko and Iroh. Lover of the Fantastic. Occasional sharer of TMI. Queer. First-gen. 🇦🇲 (she/her)
13 Queries
30 Tips

#Protip: Maybe don't try to tear down the agent you're querying in an attempt to make yourself more appealing. O.O #pubtip

Lucy Carson
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at The Friedrich Agency, New Yorker, Anglophile, dog AND cat person, theater nerd, @girlswritenow mentor 📚 she/her
32 Tips

#Querytip if you use the label "exclusive query" that should mean you're only querying one agent. CC'ing a ton of other agents defeats that!

McIntosh & Otis
Literary Agency
Full service literary agency.
15 Tips

#querytip: Don't drink and query. Also, happy St. Patrick's Day!

Alex Slater
Literary Agent
Literary agent @GreenburgerLit @GreenburgerKids . Black Lives Matter. he/him.
130 MSWL
32 AskAgent
55 Tips

Be professional. You may think playful language or jokes in your query will help it stand out. Remember: the story has to do that. #querytip

Gordon Warnock
Literary Agent
Founding partner @FuseLiterary representing commercial and literary fiction, nonfiction, and graphic novels. #VoteLibraries
130 Tips

If you want to be a professional writer, you have to be willing to approach publishing in a professional manner. #pubtip

Gordon Warnock
Literary Agent
Founding partner @FuseLiterary representing commercial and literary fiction, nonfiction, and graphic novels. #VoteLibraries
130 Tips

One of the worst things a debut can present me with is a handful of manuscripts all in different genres. Branding and focus, please. #pubtip

Kate McKean
Literary Agent
CLOSED TO QUERIES. VP at Morhaim Literary. Daughter of the Fifth House, holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx, heir to the Holy Rings. Rep’d by @Michaelbourret
35 AskAgent
115 Tips

Things I care more about than what your character does first thing upon waking: Everything. #writingtip #pubtip

Alexandra Penfold
Literary Agent
Literary agent, NY Times Bestselling children's book author, maker of donuts + pies, lover of coffee.
8 AskAgent
80 Tips

Want to write PBs? Check out @taralazar's awesome PB dummy post to get to know different layouts.… #pubtip

Shana Asaro
Editor at Harlequin's Love Inspired imprint and mom. I love my dog, monkeys, cupcakes, HGTV, Starbucks, Gilmore Girls and weather disaster plots.
55 Tips

Want to know how to write a standout blurb and first page to catch an editor's eye? #Blurb2Book #pubtip #writing

Michelle Richter
Literary Agent
@FuseLiterary Senior Agent. Murder=my fave. @PacePublishing alum. @SINCNational member. She/her. Query Manager link: QueryMe.Online/MichelleRichter
9 AskAgent
1575 Queries
72 Tips

Have some confidence, or at least fake it, when you query. #querytip #fakeittilyoumakeit

Gordon Warnock
Literary Agent
Founding partner @FuseLiterary representing commercial and literary fiction, nonfiction, and graphic novels. #VoteLibraries
130 Tips

"I've just completed a novel" is a bit of a red flag, makes me think you haven't revised. #querytip

Carly Watters
Literary Agent
SVP & Senior Lit Agent @PSLiterary MA in Publishing Studies @CityUniLondon Co-host of @TSNOTYAW VP of Professional Assoc. of Canadian Literary Agents
153 MSWL
229 AskAgent
334 Tips

How much do you know about hiring an external publicist for your novel? #mondayblogs #pubtip

Lane Heymont
Literary Agent
Literary Agent. Connoisseur of horror, schadenfreude, and caffeine. Founder of @TheTobiasAgency . Opinions are my own. (he/him)
2 AskAgent
477 Tips

Don't copy and paste your query and or sample five pages. Actually, just make sure it's not obvious, because THAT is tacky. #querytip

Lane Heymont
Literary Agent
Literary Agent. Connoisseur of horror, schadenfreude, and caffeine. Founder of @TheTobiasAgency . Opinions are my own. (he/him)
2 AskAgent
477 Tips

Emailing me ten pages of your manuscript does not a query make. #querytip #CareAboutYourDreams #ResearchYourDreams #YoureNotSpecial

Gordon Warnock
Literary Agent
Founding partner @FuseLiterary representing commercial and literary fiction, nonfiction, and graphic novels. #VoteLibraries
130 Tips

"I have a published novel I'm submitting for representation." If you self-pub, I most likely can't trad-pub unless it sold thousands #pubtip

Gordon Warnock
Literary Agent
Founding partner @FuseLiterary representing commercial and literary fiction, nonfiction, and graphic novels. #VoteLibraries
130 Tips

Your emailed query should not be identical to your mailed query. "Attached," not "enclosed." "Below," not "on the next page." #querytip

Gordon Warnock
Literary Agent
Founding partner @FuseLiterary representing commercial and literary fiction, nonfiction, and graphic novels. #VoteLibraries
130 Tips

"Deer Agent." Do deer need agents now? Fucking everyone is writing a book these days. #querytip #deerthesedays

Lane Heymont
Literary Agent
Literary Agent. Connoisseur of horror, schadenfreude, and caffeine. Founder of @TheTobiasAgency . Opinions are my own. (he/him)
2 AskAgent
477 Tips

Don’t query until ur ready to send the full ms or proposal. For all you know one second after you click send I’ll request either. #querytip

Gordon Warnock
Literary Agent
Founding partner @FuseLiterary representing commercial and literary fiction, nonfiction, and graphic novels. #VoteLibraries
130 Tips

"Dear Agent." I've been called worse. #querytip

Gordon Warnock
Literary Agent
Founding partner @FuseLiterary representing commercial and literary fiction, nonfiction, and graphic novels. #VoteLibraries
130 Tips

List word count in your query. Page count changes with font, etc. and character count matters less in books than it does on Twitter. #pubtip