Literary Agent
Erik Patterson @erikpatterson
Finished a book that I hated and accidentally left it at the coffeeshop & now I hope someone takes it and reads it and enjoys all the “WHAT THE FUCK,” “then WHO CARES” notes in the margins. your number one job as a writer is to make sure your reader never says Then Who Cares about your characters/plot. #pubtip
Literary Agent
When writing your manuscript, editing, and querying, be aware of the accepted word count lengths! I really don't want to read a 250k word epic fantasy or a 100k word MG. This article from Writer's Digest is great, but YA leans more 70-90k now! #querytip…
Literary Agent
A synopsis should include the ending, while the query should not. The query should intrigue the reader, while the synopsis should tell them major details. There is a difference, and a different purpose! Another great article from @JaneFriedman #querytip…
Literary Agent
Skelly-ton is CLOSED to Queries 🎃💀 @LitAgentKelly
Going through some queries today and noticing a lot of writers who don't know some basics, which tells me there wasn't enough research done. It also tells me it's time for another "basics of querying" thread. Here we go! =) #querytip writers don't know the difference between a query and a synopsis, or sometimes try to overlap the two and don't understand they're separate entities that serve different purposes. Here's a great article on crafting a query from @JaneFriedman #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
Some Tips on Creating Your Author Website via @YouTube #WritingCommunity #PubTip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
I often have brand-new writers, newly putting pen to page, ask for suggestions on how to dive into this often overwhelming industry. Here are the resources I always recommend: Save the Cat Writes a Novel by Jessica Brody, Story Genius by Lisa Cron, #pubtip
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
Why Your Query Letter Should Focus On Plot Not Theme via @carlywatters #querytip #amquerying
Literary Agency
Your main character should try to be ahead of the action in your story!
#author #writing #jewelsofthetrade #SerendipityLit #AmWriting #reads #goodreads #writersdigest #publishing #pub #lithub #pubtip
Literary Agent
Here are 3 things you can do while you're working on your book proposal or manuscript to boost your career as a writer and aspiring author. #amwriting #amediting #pubtip
Literary Agent
Authors please double space your sample pages
An agent who probably needs glasses
#subtip #querytip #SlushInsight
Literary Agent
Britt Siess @BrittSiess
I'm starting to get through the queries that came in while I was on vacation, and I'm noticing a trend where writers say their book "is intended for X audience but could also appeal to this completely other audience" (Adult then MG) or is a "Thriller but also a Fantasy" #querytipWhen I read this, it just signals to me that you don't really know where your book belongs (on the shelf). If it's a YA thriller, throw all of your pitching weight behind that! No book is for every audience! Trying to appeal to every market weakens your pitch. #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
I want to expand a touch on what I said in my previous Tweet about "predictability" in SFF. There are certain elements that have been done in a similar pattern so many times in SFF that it's pretty easy for me to guess what will happen next. #amquerying #amwriting #querytip But..