Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Cortney Radocaj 🏳️🌈💖💜💙 @CortneyRadocaj
Today I’ve gotten two queries at 160,000+ words, one at 180,000+ words, and one at a whopping 385,000+ (!!!!) words.DO YOUR RESEARCH. Learn what the industry standards for word count for your genre and age category are, or auto rejections WILL happen.
There is a REASON those standards exist (shockingly enough, they’re not just there to torture authors I PROMISE). It’s bc those ranges are gauged from what has sold best in the past.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Shannon/S.A. Chakraborty @SAChakrabooks
Packing up my desk and found a copy of my first query letter for my first book, THE CITY OF BRASS 😮It's dated January 2016. How was that only January 2016?? It feels like thirty years ago!
If anyone was wondering how to write a query for a really complex fantasy novel, check this out—focus on the character and let everything unfold around them!
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
When querying, sometimes the waiting becomes too much and the idea of sending nudges to literary agents is really tempting. Here are some rules to help you decide when you should and shouldn’t send a nudge: via @msmariavicente #querytip #amquerying
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Today’s #pubtip wisdom comes from an unrelated post on @RachelJSimmons’s excellent Insta. Selling and publishing a book can be, ah, intense reminders of how little control you have over other people’s opinions and purchases.
Literary Agent
Dahlia Adler @MissDahlELama
Anyone looking at your website should be able to answer, if it applies:*Who’s your agent?
*What’s your next release?
*How do I contact you to invite you to participate in something?
*When’s your next event?
Think of the things you’d look at an author’s website for.
#PubTip If you're looking for an agent, put "I'm currently seeking literary representation" on your webpage, because sometimes agents look people up if they come across something interesting you've written!
Literary Agent
Bridget Smith @bredalot
Sometimes this is because they're only three sentences long, but just as often it's because I don't know how the events described are connected, or I don't know what the stakes are for anything, or I don't understand why this matters for the MC.Remember to share your query with someone who hasn't read the manuscript before sending it out! Since you know what happens in the book, you're usually too close to see what's confusing to the rest of us. #pubtip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Just a reminder that I can't accept queries through email or the contact form on my personal website - only through QueryManager. (I am currently closed except through client or industry referral though. Will update when that changes!) #querytip #amquerying