Tu Books

Literary Agency


Tu Books, an imprint of @LEEandLOW , publishes diverse middle grade and YA books set at the point where imagination and real life collide.

Stacy Whitman
Founder & publisher of @tubooks , an imprint of @leeandlow . Diversity in SFF, mystery, GNs & more for kids & teens. K-dramas. And cats. Opinions my own.
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Tu Books
Tu Books, an imprint of @LEEandLOW , publishes diverse middle grade and YA books set at the point where imagination and real life collide.
1 Tips

Crystal Frasier @ NorWesCon @AmazonChique

God I love history!

...also, this would be an amazing setting for an RPG campaign pic.twitter.com/p4unNgiKBt

Seriously, writers: if you can write this, this is a serious #MSWL. Must be either MG or YA, could be graphic novel or novel. Or even nonfiction, if you want to tackle the real-world facts of this. #submissions #amwriting #YAlit #MGlit