Mazel Tov Cocktail
Tor·com Publishing
Senior EdiTOR at work, book hoarder at home. You're damn right I'm relentless (thoughts are my own). She/her
Mazel Tov Cocktail
Senior EdiTOR at work, book hoarder at home. You're damn right I'm relentless (thoughts are my own). She/her
Mazel Tov Cocktail
· 30 May 2018
me: furious that somehow May is already over when I am so behind in everything
also me: OKAY JUNE 5th; bring me your BRUJA BORN and STILL LIVES and SOCIAL CREATURE *
*#mswl to all of these, complex women and girls struggling to be themselves in hostile worlds, magic or not
Mazel Tov Cocktail
Senior EdiTOR at work, book hoarder at home. You're damn right I'm relentless (thoughts are my own). She/her
Mazel Tov Cocktail
· 21 Apr 2017
BB-8 The Real MVP✨ @reetamac
Really into this and how quick everyone is with fan…(pls add magic or something else Spec Fic-y and then send me that novel when written thx) #mswl