Literary Agency
maria katherine maria @kmariawrites
@FuseLiterary #AskFuse is it better for a comp to be current, recognizable, or be an on-the-nose comparison?.@KatherineFrazer Yes. Ideally all of those things, or the comp isn't likely to work in your favor. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Literary Agency
.@RitaOrrell Ideally we want an author w a clear career path & strategy, rather than a bunch of mss they're throwing out at once. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Heidi Renee Mason @heidireneemason
@FuseLiterary #AskFuse What is the first thing that grabs you in a query and makes you want more?.@heidireneemason A unique, compelling idea. From there, we move on to see if it's executed well. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Jade Hemming 🌌 @jadewritesbooks
@FuseLiterary #AskFuse at what stage are potential serials discussed? With publisher or agent?.@jadewritesbooks Usually that's a convo you have w your agent before submitting. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Kristy Leigh @kristyleigh3211
@FuseLiterary Thank you. So better to leave them out then try to make one fit that is really kind of stretching it?? #AskFuse.@kristyleigh3211 Yes. Comps should be true comps, not deceptively name-dropping a current trend. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
April M. Wall @aprilmwall
@FuseLiterary If your 1st book is more humorous but next book is more serious even if in same genre (MG), is it harder to sell? #AskFuse.@aprilmwall Yes. Jumping around, rather than spending time to establish a consistent brand, will make your work harder to sell. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Kristy Leigh @kristyleigh3211
@FuseLiterary Hello! Do you like to see comps in picture book queries? Thank you! #AskFuse 😊.@kristyleigh3211 We love comps as long as they're recognizable, successful, & accurate--not just what's hot now. #AskFuse
Literary Agent
HOW TO GET AN AGENT webinar is 8/11 Will answer all your Qs & incl. a query critique! #askagent
Literary Agency
S.H. Marr @SH_Marr_Writes
@FuseLiterary Do any of your YA agents have thoughts on aromantic characters in YA? #AskFuse.@SH_Marr_Writes We love underrepresented & marginalized characters & ideas. For example, we just got a deal 4 a platonic love YA. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Tumblr #askagent: I live in the U.S. but I'm writing HF set in Britain, should I query agents in both countries?
Literary Agent
And don't forget, there's lots of helpful info on our blog for budding children's/YA book writers - #askagent
Literary Agent
Skylark Literary @SkylarkLit
The Dos and Don’ts of One-to-Ones…Our latest blog is up - and it's all about making the most of one-to-ones. #askagent…
Literary Agency
Brian C. Baer @BrianCBaer
@FuseLiterary #AskFuse Do you prefer strong genre elements, or do you sign based on the strength of the writing in general?.@BrianCBaer Strong writing provides some flexibility, but keep in mind u have to satisfy a target audience & their expectations. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Jordan Marie Green @jordanmarigreen
@FuseLiterary #askfuse is 86k too long for a contemporary YA novel?.@jordanmarigreen It's a tad long, but not dangerously so. You're fine. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Rebekah J. Olson @rebekahjolson
@fuseliterary Can you write a “memoir” but change the names, location, a few details, and call it a novel? #AskFuse.@rebekahjolson Yes. A lot of novels are based on real events. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Michelle Vattula @Mmvattula
#AskFuse Just wondering if you want the page breaks to be shown in a #PB manuscript? Thank you! #writingtips #amquerying.@Mmvattula That may vary from agent to agent, but in general, yes, provide the clearest image of what your book will be. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Kristy Leigh @kristyleigh3211
@FuseLiterary #AskFuse Hi! Is is a positive or negative when a querying writer says they write in multiple genres YA/PB, MG/YA. Thanks!!😊.@kristyleigh3211 It's OK to write in multiple genres as long as you're willing & able to establish one before you jump to another. #AskFuse