Literary Agent
Sarah Hawthorne @SarahRHawthorne
#bookendschat what's gonna be the next big thing? Break out your crystal ball!My money is on kinky morticians and medical examiners! #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
Laura Lashley @DistractLaura
#bookendschat Do some agents request fulls then purposefully wait to read them until the writer nudges with offer of rep? Is that a thing?Hard to say what others do -- But it's not how I work! #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
M.E. Walker @MEWalker7
#BookEndsChat What genres or subject matters are you tired of seeing?Chosen one stories in YA fantasy & ark ships taking us to a new planet/home in YA SciFi #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
Laura Lashley @DistractLaura
#bookendschat Do some agents request fulls then purposefully wait to read them until the writer nudges with offer of rep? Is that a thing?No way! I always want to be the first to offer to show excitement. But if it's a busy time I can't always #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
Royce Sears @droycesears
@AgentJessicaA @jpperez54 was told I didn't have a strong platform, so I Self pub'd to build for future projects. Good idea? #bookendschatI can’t speak to your situation but I think it’s really hard to build a platform via self pub. #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
Denise Parsons @denisebparsons
#bookendschat - Can it be from internal conflict, lack of growth/insight or does it always have to be altruistic? (amoral characters).I don't think it has to be altruistic. As long as there is SOME reason... #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
J P Perez @jpperez54
@AgentJessicaA so is there ANY hope for trad pub after self pub?It can be done, yes. Generally, though, it’ll be easier with a new project. #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
M.E. Walker @MEWalker7
#BookEndsChat What genres or subject matters are you tired of seeing?WF about cheating husbands and very little else. That's fine for backdrop, but not the whole plot. #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
Anne E. Terpstra @anneeterpstra
#bookendschat When submitting MS to editors/publishers, do agents have a small circle of favs you start with, or it is more open than that?I do have some favorites, but they’re not always right for a particular book. We pitch to a wide circle. #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
Denise Parsons @denisebparsons
#BookEndsChat - How do you make characters who do amoral things likeable?I agree with the others. Character has to in some way be redeemable. #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
Denise Parsons @denisebparsons
#BookEndsChat - How do you make characters who do amoral things likeable?Even if they do amoral things, I still want to root for them. OR love to hate them... #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
Tara Leigh Thompson @TLTAuthor
Beyond clients & work-related submissions, what book(s) r on ur summer TBR list? #BookEndsChatI have a VERY large selection of comics to catch up on... #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
Laura Lashley @DistractLaura
Do you guys check query tracker? Scope out other agents on there? Just curious. :) #bookendschatThis peanut gallery here is keeping her mouth shut. Ahem. #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
Tara Leigh Thompson @TLTAuthor
Beyond clients & work-related submissions, what book(s) r on ur summer TBR list? #BookEndsChatI'm reading @SusanWiggs now. I have more @HarlanCoben and @CammieMcGovern next up on my TBR pile. #SummerReads #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
Anne E. Terpstra @anneeterpstra
#bookendschat When submitting MS to editors/publishers, do agents have a small circle of favs you start with, or it is more open than that?Like most things: it depends. I go to who I think is best for the project! #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
Denise Parsons @denisebparsons
#BookEndsChat - How do you make characters who do amoral things likeable?Give them a strong enough reason to do the immoral thing. #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
J P Perez @jpperez54
#BookEndsChat how detrimental to a writing career is self publishing?Depends what your goals are. If you want to trad pub a specific book, it’s usually best not to self pub it first. #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
Rohma Hassan @rohma_hassan
@Campbele_E I know you all are super busy (being an agent looks hard!), but are there any submission status updates? #BookEndsChatI'm caught up to all queries received on June 1st, and anything that was requested before June 4th. #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
Kaelan Rhywiol-Disillusioned Autistic @KaelanRhy
#bookendschat If you can't find good comps, do you include closest to be found, leave them out or use multiple comps?Personally I find the comps very useful, because it goes back to demonstrating that you know who your audience is. #BookEndsChat