Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Richard @RichYorks
#AskAgent - On mixing genres: I am finishing off, second rewrite, a near future thriller and have concerns about mixing up genres. Any advice on how best to query and pitch this?I'd totally agree with Kate here - don't be worried about mixing genres, but do be clear what you are mixing and what the main thrust of the story is. #AskAgent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Richard @RichYorks
#AskAgent - On mixing genres: I am finishing off, second rewrite, a near future thriller and have concerns about mixing up genres. Any advice on how best to query and pitch this?My advice would be to decide which is the "lead" genre and which is the secondary "genre", i.e. is it a futuristic thriller or a thrilling SF. But at the same time don't be afraid to say it is a crossover in your submission if it really is. #AskAgent
Literary Agent
Natalie Valishvili @NValishvili
#AskAgent if you requested a full MS, what would be the main reasons to reject it and would you offer the opportunity to edit if you saw promise?There is always the chance that the writing doesn't grab us the way that the sample suggested, or that the plot doesn't go the way we were thinking from the synopsis. If there is enough promise, then I'm always up for an edit!
Literary Agent
Alex Hawley @HawleyReviews
I'm currently writing a memoir; what would you say are the key things I need to do when providing a cover letter to an agent around this topic? #AskAgentMost important for me is: why should someone else care about what you are writing. Memoir can be intensely personal, but it is when that experience resonates with other people that is key.
Literary Agent
Robbie Guillory @RobbieGuillory
@LauraGomezBooks Our submissions have been closed for a few months but are now open again! We'd love to see more psychological thrillers, more fantastic crime (I'd love some gangland), more romcoms!#AskAgent
Certainly we're always on the look out for crime and thrillers. It's the UK's biggest genre and so we can never have enough submissions here. #AskAgent
Literary Agent
Alex Hawley @HawleyReviews
Thanks to @katenashagent, @RobbieGuillory,@JustinNashLit and @NickChapLit my first question to the panel is as an aspiring writer what would you say are the important elements an agent can add? #AskAgent
Great question! I think that first and foremost we're here to help our authors have sustained and worthwhile careers. We look for the right editors at the right publishing houses for their writing, and then negotiate the best possible contracts. #AskAgent
Literary Agent
Helen Ward @writtenbyhelen
#AskAgent Is there a specific way you like to see cover letters written out? Do you prefer to have the author bio at the top or further down?We have some suggestions of what we would like to see in your covering letter (see link below). In terms of the order, my only "wish" is to see that one line elevator pitch at the start. #AskAgent
Literary Agent
Laura Gomez @LauraGomezBooks
#AskAgent Are there any surprisingly common things in your subs at the moment? Or things you would love to see but aren't getting?Our submissions have been closed for a few months but are now open again! We'd love to see more psychological thrillers, more fantastic crime (I'd love some gangland), more romcoms!
Literary Agent
Tim Bisset @timbisset
#askagent Hi, will you be doing another trends survey in 2021, and what do you think the key genres/trends will be in fiction in 2021?We likely will, but no firm plans as yet. I'm really interested in what happens to genres in 2021 - we're seeing a lot of interest in crossover fiction that can appeal to multiple reader types. Will this continue? #AskAgent
Literary Agent
Shell @thesparklyshell
@RobbieGuillory Does memoir count as non-fiction or should it be a complete ms for submission?Memoir would be nonfiction, I'd say!
Literary Agent
Tim Bisset @timbisset
#askagent Hi, will you be doing another trends survey in 2021, and what do you think the key genres/trends will be in fiction in 2021?Good question. Yes, I really hope we'll be able to update our trends survey. A huge range of fiction is booming in popularity at the moment across all the main genres. I am wondering - with Bridgerton on Netflix - will the Regency romance make a comeback? #AskAgent
Literary Agent
Emma Prunty @emprunty
@katenashagent @keithapearson re non-fiction/memoir, what do you consider a sample? The first x,000 words or a couple of different chapters? ThanksHi Emma, we'd like to see a few chapters, as well as a chapter synopsis. We've updated our submissions guidelines to break that down.
Literary Agent
Keith A Pearson @keithapearson
#askagentQ: How far in advance of a manuscript being completed can an author seek representation?
For context, I'm planning to complete my twelfth novel by May but I was hoping to pitch it before then.
If your previous novels have been published then a sample would do - we can take your track record from there. But generally, we'd expect any work of fiction to be finished. Nonfiction works differently, and we've updated our submissions guideline to reflect this. #AskAgent
Literary Agent
David Simpson @simpson_M_88
#askagent My unfinished manuscript ‘Navdeep’ was an unsuccessful entry to your mentorship programme last year. I wondered if you may have remembered it and have any feedback, but mainly, if as an agent you would always prefer a complete manuscript? Many thanks 👍We'd always prefer a completed novel manuscript.
I am afraid we had over 300 submissions to our mentorship programme and so were unable to give individual feedback. #AskAgent
Literary Agent
Justin Murray @Justmurray
Hey guys, this is wonderful thank you! I have an interview 1-2 pm but let me ask this now in case it gets through -what do you look for from good historical fiction coming across your desk? #askagent…I would love to see more historicals! It is important to me that the setting doesn't get in the way of the story - it has to feel authentic, yes, but I don't want to have to chomp through infodumps. #AskAgent
Literary Agent
Keith A Pearson @keithapearson
#askagentQ: How far in advance of a manuscript being completed can an author seek representation?
For context, I'm planning to complete my twelfth novel by May but I was hoping to pitch it before then.
For fiction we ask for the whole novel to be completed before submitting but as an established author we'd be happy for you to approach us with a sample and synopsis. For non-fiction we can consider a sample. #AskAgent
Literary Agent
Alexandra Otto @alexottowrites
@RobbieGuillory @katenashagent @JustinNashLit @NickChapLit #askagent Hello! Do you accept submissions from the US, or do you prefer to focus on authors from the UK? (I know you will not be answering until 1 pm your time - thank you!)We do accept submissions from the US, yes, though as we are based in the UK, we're looking for stories that would resonate with UK publishers first and foremost, so that is worth bearing in mind. #AskAgent