Literary Agent
Lynnette Labelle @LynnetteLabelle
Do you start the year with an idea of how many new clients you’ll take on? If so, how many? #BookEndsChatI have a goal, but I'm not going to take something on to meet a number. I'm always thinking about holes in my list though! #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
Dana B Nuenighoff @DanaNuens
What sets a query apart from the slush for you?? Thanks! #BookEndsChatVoice, professionalism, clearly defined stakes (emotional and physical) for protagonist and antagonist! #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
T.J. @diversecrime1
From the perspective of a POC(I am), what would you like to see more of? I have a novel with a black forensic scientist #bookendschatHonestly? Just to see more diverse voices in general. #ownvoices #diversebooks #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
Faith Knight 🙏🏼📚 @KnightAuthor
What about YA realistic word count? #bookendschatI'd say 60k-80k range to be safe. #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
Riata Brown @RiataBrown
Querying book 1 of a series- better to start writing book 2, or start entirely different project in case series is a dud? #bookendschatALWAYS go to a new project. B/c edits could change bk 2 or bk1 may not sell. Have new things to go to! #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
Amy Ayers @amyloomom
@BookEndsJessica @AgentJessicaA what if agents have already passed on your ms? Can you go back & ask to be reconsidered? #bookendschatIf you have an offer? Definitely. #bookendschat
Literary Agent
Eleanor Lavish @whereiwalkmycow
Roughly how long should a synopsis be? #bookendschatI have no rules for that. 1-5 pages if you need numbers #bookendschat
Literary Agent
Riata Brown @RiataBrown
Querying book 1 of a series- better to start writing book 2, or start entirely different project in case series is a dud? #bookendschatI always suggest start with a different project, exactly for the reason you mention #bookendschat
Literary Agent
Eleanor Lavish @whereiwalkmycow
Roughly how long should a synopsis be? #bookendschatI’d say 3-5 pages, but it depends on the story. Others will say shorter or longer. #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
Eleanor Lavish @whereiwalkmycow
Roughly how long should a synopsis be? #bookendschatLong enough to show plot, subplots, AND your ending. #SpoilersWanted #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
L. Ryan Storms @LRyan_Storms
What the acceptable word count range for YA fantasy? (I've seen so many different answers that my head is still spinning!) #BookEndsChatI wouldn't go much over 100k, personally. It depends on the type of fantasy. More leeway with epic over contemp. #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
Charlotte Gruber @charlotteclg
#BookEndsChat Do you like dual POV in suspense?& they all usually sound the same #bookendschat
Literary Agent
Charlotte Gruber @charlotteclg
#BookEndsChat Do you like dual POV in suspense?I think the problem with dual POV in suspense is typically I see the same old thing. killer v. protagonist #bookendschat
Literary Agent
Charlotte Gruber @charlotteclg
#BookEndsChat Do you like dual POV in suspense?funny you should ask. normally I'd say "eh" but I'm editing a client's right now that I love #bookendschat
Literary Agent
Beth Campbell @Campbele_E
@2TheImp @LynnetteLabelle If they submit to everyone at the agency (esp simultaneously!) when our tastes are different #BookEndsChatSo much this. I can see waffling between @Campbele_E and myself as our tastes are quite similar! #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
M. Tinguely 🌋 @MaritTing
Do you need to mention POV in the query for Romance? #bookendschatUnless it’s something really out of the ordinary, I wouldn’t mention it. #bookendschat
Literary Agent
Charlotte Gruber @charlotteclg
#BookEndsChat Do you like dual POV in suspense?Sometimes… As long as it’s done well. #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
Melissa Charles @2TheImp
@BookEndsJessica @tauricox Does mentioning series potential matter? #BookEndsChatI like knowing going in if you see it as a series or a stand-alone. #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
Julie Dawn @_juliedawn
@inthesestones @DanaNuens What about Portal Adult Horror? # BookendschatUnsure on that one as I've rarely seen portals and horror. I think it'd be how it's handled. #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
Melissa Charles @2TheImp
@inthesestones @BookEndsKim @BookEndsJessica @LynnetteLabelle that would have you leery of an author/novel 2/2 #BookEndsChatI'd say if I've seen the same book/query from you multiple times, long length of writing. Insanely high wordcounts. #BookEndsChat