Literary Agent
Kristi Adams @KAdamsBooks
@AgentJessicaA What happens *after* an agent offers rep & you accept? Rounds of revisions/submissions/auctions? If the book doesn't sell?Pretty much all of that. An auction is always the hope. If it doesn’t sell, we work on the next project. #bookendschat

Literary Agent
Justine Elias @j_elias_writes
If I am a diverse author but my book is not about diverse characters, is that something you want to know in my query?#bookendschatagree. I don't see that you need to mention it. of course it can't hurt either #bookendschat

Literary Agent
Justine Elias @j_elias_writes
If I am a diverse author but my book is not about diverse characters, is that something you want to know in my query?#bookendschatI don’t see any reason to mention it. #bookendschat

Literary Agent
Janel Comeau @VeryBadLlama
How important is a writer's social media/online presence to you when you're considering taking on a client? #bookendschatHuge with nonfiction, I don't worry about it as much with fiction. You should just have something or plan to #BookEndschat

Literary Agent
Janel Comeau @VeryBadLlama
How important is a writer's social media/online presence to you when you're considering taking on a client? #bookendschatOnline presence is a plus but not a requirement. A negative online presence will deter me from offering. #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
Janel Comeau @VeryBadLlama
How important is a writer's social media/online presence to you when you're considering taking on a client? #bookendschatNot important to me…unless they’re a troll. #bookendschat

Literary Agent
Rachel Woe @storyofwoe
Thanks for taking the time to do this! How do ya'll feel about single POV romance and erotica? #BookEndsChatI don't mind single POV romance/erotica. But I find first person POV is not my cuppa. #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
Rachel Woe @storyofwoe
Thanks for taking the time to do this! How do ya'll feel about single POV romance and erotica? #BookEndsChatI think it can be harder to pull off in romance, but can work in erotica. Though, I like having both POVs. #bookendschat

Literary Agent
Janelle Ambrose @literal_janelle
#bookendschat How do you feel about multicultural/diverse fiction by writers (like myself) who are in the developing world?I'd always love to see more. Doesn't matter where you are in the world — I just want good fiction in my inbox #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
Janelle Ambrose @literal_janelle
#bookendschat How do you feel about multicultural/diverse fiction by writers (like myself) who are in the developing world?I'm looking for great books from authors everywhere & definitely looking for more diversity. #bookendschat

Literary Agent
Janelle Ambrose @literal_janelle
#bookendschat How do you feel about multicultural/diverse fiction by writers (like myself) who are in the developing world?I’d love to see more. The author’s location doesn’t matter as long as she brings authenticity to the story. #bookendschat

Literary Agent
Steve Asbell @rainforestgardn
For those of you representing picture book author/illustrators (@TracyMarchini?) what do you like to see in a manuscript? #BookEndsChatThat's what I like to see - au/ill who uses both mediums to their advantage in a way you couldn't do alone. #bookendschat

Literary Agent
Nikki Rose 🥀 @AuthorNikkiRose
When planning a trilogy is it best to query the first book & just mention there are more 2 come or wait until all 3 are complete? #AskKTLitI always suggest the "stand alone with series potential" line in the query. 1 completed, the rest outlined is great. #AskKTLit

Literary Agent
For those who followed #AskKTLit today with query q's, here is @OpAwesome6's #PassorPages w/feedback from 3 agents!

Literary Agency
Vanessa @vanessaepeay
I've seen writers who have more than one agent. How does that work out? #askktlitThey may have had diff agents at diff times, or diff agents for film and book, but multiple agents concurrently for books is rare. #AskKTLit

Literary Agency
Michelle Peterson @mchellepeterson
For non-fic/self help, how big should the author platform be before agents consider representation? Is it a factor? What priority? #AskKTLitIt's huge. Possibly even bigger than writing. #AskKTLit

Literary Agency
kaycee!! @crybabykaycee
Any advice for an aspiring author under the age of 18 looking to get an agent? #AskKTLitKnow, however, that's there no curve for age. Your manuscript needs to be as good as adult writers' work to be published. #AskKTLit

Literary Agency
Jemma Davidson @JemmaDavidson
@DaphneUn Even academic science journals? I assumed that since they're not literary I should skip them?I always recommend including *relevant* credentials. If your ms has a scientific basis, go for it. #AskKTLit

Literary Agent
Michelle Peterson @mchellepeterson
For non-fic/self help, how big should the author platform be before agents consider representation? Is it a factor? What priority? #AskKTLitThis was my old publishing world, and I can tell you, platform must have HUGE reach before it really matters. #askktlit

Literary Agent
kaycee!! @crybabykaycee
Any advice for an aspiring author under the age of 18 looking to get an agent? #AskKTLitSame as any author. Read/write your heart out! Though, I always love reading teens' work, so put it in your query leter! #askktlit