Ernie Chiara
Associate Agent at @FuseLiterary ⟡ Seeking authentic stories by traditionally underpublished voices ⟡ SFWA ⟡ Founder
Essie White
Educator, writer, literary agent, artist and documentary enthusiast. Powered by children, and what matters most to them
Esty Downes
associate literary agent @arthouselit • ✡️📚🌈🍓 editor @SouthRevBooks • SCBWI • sweet + ungovernable •
Eva Dietrich
Literary agent specializing in children's and young adult's literature. Founder of ALADDIN BOOKS & MEDIA AGENCY. 📖
Eva Scalzo
a boricua🇵🇷 who has never met a tangent she wouldn’t follow | lit agent @ Speilburg Literary | AALA & SCBWI | she/her/ella/ms. | links in bio
Evan Gregory
Seeking authors, dispensing nuggets of publishing advice, correcting your query etiquette, & bng yet N-other nodal . on a ntwrk dvted 2 stfling my vrbsty.
Fergus Inder
Junior Agent - High Spot Literary @highspotlit // boy with paperback shoved into pocket of op-shop blazer // Northwestern grad 🐱// 🇳🇿🇺🇸
Gabriella Noelle
There's only one me. And I'm it. | Assistant Agent/ Editorial Assistant at Great Dog Literary Agency | Consuming all the media I can | Query Me!
Gabrielle Harbowy
Lit Agent Apprentice at @corvisierolit and open to queries! Writer. Editor. Typo ninja. Bi. Polyam. Disabled. She/her. Avatar: @gabmaybe
Gabrielle Prendergast
gă/bree/ELL Award-winning author THE FAERIE WOODS, DEAR POLAR BEARS #YA #MG #PB 🇨🇦 immigrant atheist goddess FOLLOW DOES NOT=ENDORSEMENT 💗💜💙
Garrett Alwert
Associate Literary Agent at @EmeraldCityLit (PB, MG, YA). Currently Closed to Queries. He/Him.
Gemma Cooper
Literary Agent. Book pusher, runner, Pollyanna, 1st person to ever have a kid (yes, everything he does *is* amazing!) She/her
Gina Panettieri
Founder/literary agent with Talcott Notch. If I'm not reading, I'm in the gardens or baking. I get way too into Fall and Halloween. Chocolate is life.
Gordon Warnock
Founding partner @FuseLiterary representing commercial and literary fiction, nonfiction, and graphic novels. #VoteLibraries
Grace Milusich
JR Literary Agent at Looking Glass Literary Management! Lover of books, writing, cats, and breakfast foods. She/her.✨
Haley Casey
Associate Literary Agent at CMA. Feminist. Interested in watching TV shows I've already seen and owning ALL books. All opinions are my own. (she/her)
Hana E
she/her. co-founder @BIPOCPub . works in 📚 foreign rights. i talk to myself & post it on the interwebs. views shared here are mine alone (so back off kthnxbyee)
Hannah Andrade
🇲🇽🇺🇸 | literary agent with @Bradford_Agents | book reader | tea drinker
Hannah Bowman
Lit agent ("without her more characters would have lived"). Prison abolitionist @Xians4Abolition . Theologian. Let's tell revolutionary stories together. She/her


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