Tanera Simons
Literary Agent
Darley Anderson Literary Agency
Literary Agent at Darley Anderson📚 📖 All views my own.

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
And a #MSWL in Instagram Reel form (!) is also now live on both mine and @DA_Agency Insta profiles! (11/12)

Literary Agent
If I've not mentioned what you're writing, it doesn't mean I don't want to read it! A non-Twitter version of my #MSWL is on our blog, here: darleyandersonblog.com/2023/02/02/tan… (10/12)

Literary Agent
Finally, I absolutely adored WEYWARD – multiple time periods, feminism, and the incredibly atmospheric writing made this such a compelling and unique read for me (9/12)

Literary Agent
Speaking of toxic, I raced through SUCCESSION and love how it confronts our obsession with wealth while exploring the rot it creates within family/friends/relationships (8/12)

Literary Agent
If you've written a book where the setting is key then I'd also love to see that - VIRGIN RIVER for the sweeping landscapes or THE MORNING SHOW for the toxic work environment (7/12)

Literary Agent
G+F is such a joyous triumph of celebrating female friendships, untraditional families, older protagonists, and life after love (6/12)

Literary Agent
Friendship and family dynamics endlessly fascinate me, from the juicy drama of DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES to the more wholesome GRACE AND FRANKIE (5/12)

Literary Agent
I am a big fan of rom-com and want fresh takes on original tropes - REPUTATION and THE LOVE HYPOTHESIS are examples of this (4/12)

Literary Agent
I ALWAYS want a clear hook, strong characters, and lots of plot in any book I read – these are all more important to me than upmarket writing (3/12)

Literary Agent
Tanera Simons @tanera_simons
I have long neglected my Twitter account but I’m feeling excited to continue building my list and finding new writing talent, SO… (1/12)… I want to share an up-to-date #MSWL / list of what I’ve enjoyed reading and watching recently! Querying can be difficult to navigate and so I hope that this helps clarify what I’m looking for in my submissions (2/12)