Literary Agent
P10: A, SF
We’re head-hopping which causes us to feel pulled in too many diff directions. A lot of information told to us while we’re trying to figure out the what/why which just leads to confusion
#RevPit #10Queries

Literary Agent
Q10: A, SF
Plot details are too vague....need more about the specifics of what the MCs are up against. We’re also missing not just the why but some world-building details to help us understand what we're about to dive into
#RevPit #10Queries

Literary Agent
P9: A, CR
Getting us to that first conflict quickly while also doing a great job of giving us insight into the MCs bleak emotional situation/background which is a great way of getting us into the mind of MC and creating empathy/connection. Great job!
#RevPit #10Queries

Literary Agent
Q9: A, CR
This is really good! The internal/emotional stakes are there as well as the external difficulties they’re going to be up against; however, there is a contradicting statement that muddles the backstory and causes confusion.
#RevPit #10Queries

Literary Agent
P8: NA, PR
Opening is a bit confusing as it's not clear why we’re here to start. It's crucial to know the who, what, when, where, and why in not just the first scene but EVERY scene
#RevPit #10Queries

Literary Agent
Q8: NA, PR
We’ve got a good idea about what’s driving the MC and what they’ll be facing! Just be more specifics abt a certain element of the world that is mentioned. Remember to explain terms specific to your world in your queries!
#RevPit #10Queries

Literary Agent
P7: A, F
This is a really good opening! It gives a great sense of the first MC and what they’re dealing with in the beginning. It also gives a good overview of where the story is going & the conflict this MC will face
#RevPit #10Queries

Literary Agent
Q7: A, F
Too summary like as it doesn’t focus on the immediate action kicking off the story. It’s multiPOV but only focuses on 1 MC. W/ multiPOV, it’s good to talk abt the mutual stake tying them all together & give an idea of how their storylines intersect
#RevPit #10Queries

Literary Agent
P6: A, HR
Aww, we have a really good meet cute scene! This does a great job getting reader invested in characters and wanting to read more to see how their attraction plays out!
#RevPit #10Queries

Literary Agent
Q6: A, HR
Good! Sets us up w/ enough info abt MC, their internal stakes/motivation, & the ext stakes they’ll be up against which is key to understanding a story before diving in. And it's *V* impt to understand b/f reading pgs. Less confusion for agents!
#RevPit #10Queries

Literary Agent
P5: MG, C
Ooo, there’s conflict in the opening! Good job! BUT I feel like we stay too long in this opening. And I think we might be starting in the wrong place as the starting action promised by the QL comes after the current opening scene….
#RevPit #10Queries

Literary Agent
Q5: MG, C
The conflict and ext prob the MC is facing is right there & so is what the MC will be facing emotionally which is just as important! The only thing is I wonder how/if the title fits🤔
#RevPit #10Queries

Literary Agent
P4: A, D
It’s good writing & good set up but I feel like I’m missing something…I’m left with a question of what did the MC do that was so bad it warrants the action we’re opening with so 1) back up a little to show the action or 2) provide more context
#RevPit #10Queries

Literary Agent
Q4: A, D
This gives a good idea of what the story is abt and the why behind the MC's actions BUT I want to know more specifics abt what the MC will be going up against plotwise and internally
#RevPit #10Queries

Literary Agent
P3: YA, F
Query set me up expecting to start closer to the action. Still confused abt worldbuilding as the politics have yet to be explained. But you do a good job of giving us a look at the character and their ambitions!
#RevPit #10Queries

Literary Agent
Q3: YA, F
The word count looks on the low side for this genre. And I’m a bit confused by the world & how the present plot elements fit together…so I think some more specifics & clarity in regards to the world-building and plot would make it *chef’s kiss*
#RevPit #10Queries

Literary Agent
P2: A, CR
This starts off too internal—we stay in the MC's head w/ their problems for too long. Don't have the MC tell us what they don’t like abt their life, have them show us on the page with a scene and action.
#RevPit #10Queries

Literary Agent
Q2: A, CR
There’s a lot of character background that could be taken out and revealed in the pages as it’s causing it to read a bit heavy and synopsis-like
#RevPit #10Queries

Literary Agent
P1: YA, M
Oh, here’s the why! Great job making it clear in the first few pages so we not only know what’s driving the character off the🦇but where the story is headed. But there are just a few confusing sentences that need some clarification!
#RevPit #10Queries

Literary Agent
Q1: YA, M
Good job! Query is set up well and we’re prepared for the world we’re about to enter. The only thing missing is the why? What is driving the character to act?
#RevPit #10Queries