Kurestin Armada
Literary Agent
Root Literary
Literary Agent at @RootLiterary. Specializes in science fiction, fantasy, & graphic novels for all ages.
Literary Agent
Rachel Manwill @rachelmanwill
@PSLiterary What advice would you give someone who has aspirations of becoming an agent themselves? #askPSLA@rachelmanwill Develop strong opinions and amazing office skills so you can score an internship/assistant gig #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Tanya Contois @tanyacontois
What stories are on your wishlists? #askPSLA@tanyalc28 Where are all my lady pirates and magic and sword fights and swooning girlfriends?? Is someone on this case?? #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
ms fang @thefangfiles
Are there fumbles during querying that DON'T cause automatic rejections, or issues we can worry less about? #askPSLA@thefangfiles Plenty! But they're different for every agent, and I'm sure it won't stop worrying. Maybe the content of your bio? #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Dana B Nuenighoff @DanaNuens
What makes you stop reading a submission? #askPSLA@DanaNuens Oh, loads of things. Usually they all boil down to me being bored, or feeling like I've read it 80 times already. #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Saadia Faruqi @SaadiaFaruqi
Have you ever rejected a query but asked the author about their other projects? #askPSLA@SaadiaFaruqi Not personally & it would only come up at the full stage. However, authors are always welcome to pitch new projects! #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Arbie Krae @arbietrary
Not including your current clients, out of all authors (living or, uh, not), who would be your dream clients? #askPSLA@arbietrary I'm an embarrassingly huge fan of Ann Leckie, and I think we'd have great tea conversations! #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Adam Brickley @adambrickley
#askPSLA: I'm writing a near-future/soft-sci-fi that I think is more commercial than SFF. Should I pitch SFF agents or commecial agents?@adambrickley SFF is often very commercial? If the SFF elements are that light, pitch both! #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Christine Grabowski @christinegrabo
#askPSLA if I have no writing credits should I include personal info in query letter or leave it out?@christinegrabo I'm fine with only a line of personal info if any, but other agents do seem to like that additional human touch! #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Rachel Charlene @RachelCharleneL
How should a writer let an agent know that characters are diverse within a query? Is there such thing as "too much" diversity? #askPSLA@RachelCharleneL And there's no such thing as "too much" diversity! There's representation done poorly, but that's different. #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Rachel Charlene @RachelCharleneL
How should a writer let an agent know that characters are diverse within a query? Is there such thing as "too much" diversity? #askPSLA@RachelCharleneL Bring it up as naturally as possible, as just another element of your characters or w/the relevant plot point. #askPSLA
Literary Agent
TalkingDonkeyStudio @DonkeyTalking
@PSLiterary What's your favorite part of agenting? #askPSLA'
@DonkeyTalking Rereading my clients' manuscripts and getting excited all over again about them #askPSLA