Danielle Bukowski
Literary Agent
Sterling Lord Literistic
Literary Agent @SterlingLordLit / small plant looking for sun / she/her

Literary Agent
Writers, I have responded to all queries sent in 2017! 🎉 (Feel free to resend if you didn't receive a response) If you're #amquerying now, here's my wishlist: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/dani… #MSWL

Literary Agent
#amquerying writers, I'm working through my Nov & Dec queries, and looking forward to more in 2018! My taste: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/dani… #MSWL & feel free to ask any Q's you have about the process by replying to this tweet #querytip

Literary Agent
Danielle Bukowski @dani_bukie
Wow Halle Butler's JILLIAN is really good #amreading#MSWL I really like fiction about work/suffering under capitalism/surviving monotony #amquerying

Literary Agent
New* face, new updates to #MSWL: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/dani…
*professionally taken and edited photograph that mitigates my under-eye circles

Literary Agent
Danielle Bukowski @dani_bukie
Writers, I have responded to all queries sent before 10/1! #amquerying #MSWL I'd love something charming & uplifting this fall...and as a reminder - please don't send me Young Adult, historical, or white savior narratives #MSWL #amquerying

Literary Agent
Writers, I have responded to all queries sent before 10/1! #amquerying #MSWL I'd love something charming & uplifting this fall...

Literary Agent
It's Scorpio Season, so I'm reopen to queries! Send me your best words, guidelines here: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/dani… … #querytip #MSWL

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Danielle Bukowski @dani_bukie
Great advice from Tony Tulathimutte on finding an agent, especially his sample query letter catapult.co/stories/agent-… #MSWL #amquerying(No rich friends but my uncle was a bodyguard at Chelsea Clinton's wedding if that helps?? If you vibe w/Tony's prose please query me) #MSWL

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
#MSWL #amquerying some frequent problems I see with queries: assuming your novel will be published in 2017 & using hypertimely news 2 entice

Literary Agent
Danielle Bukowski @dani_bukie
The Gig Economy is Killing Us: newyorker.com/culture/jia-to… #lyft #FiverrI would love to see a brutally honest novel about the gig economy... #MSWL #amquerying #amwriting #amagenting

Literary Agent
Danielle Bukowski @dani_bukie
Contemporary women's fiction from marginalized voices (would love mental health issues respectfully handled, in particular) (2/3)& literary fiction fully engaged w/modernity (3/3) #amquerying #querytip #MSWL

Literary Agent
I also love campus novels! More campus novels tackling contemporary issues, please. #amquerying #MSWL

Literary Agent
Contemporary women's fiction from marginalized voices (would love mental health issues respectfully handled, in particular) (2/3)

Literary Agent
My #MSWL is live! Check it out here & send me your words: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/dani… @ManuscriptWList #amquerying

Literary Agent
I'd love to read a multicultural, multigenerational women's fiction set at least partially outside the US this weekend #MSWL #amquerying