Alec Shane
Literary Agent
Writers House
Literary Agent at Writers House, LLC. Wannabe Patriots sportswriter.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
I'm always very wary of authors who think that they are great writers. The best writers I know all think that their work sucks.
Literary Agent
Did you read it yet? How about now? What about now? Have you read it? Is it good? Did you read it yet? Did you read it? What did you think?
Literary Agent
Do you represent thrillers? Can you give me some advice for submitting to other agents? When can I expect to hear back? Did you read it yet?
Literary Agent
How would you prefer I submit? Do you prefer attachments? How many pages would you like to see? Is this something you'd be interested in?
Literary Agent
#querytip Here are some questions I get from authors that I shouldn't get, as answers are available online with some simple research:
Literary Agent
#querytip now isn't the best time to query. Most agents are clearing their desks, and you run the risk of getting lost in the holiday logjam
Literary Agent
#querytip a number of agencies close to submissions around this time each year as they try to wrap things up; make sure you do your homework
Literary Agent
#querytip if you're going to just cut and paste agents' names into the same query and blast it out, at least make sure it's the same font.
Literary Agent
#querytip How seriously would you take someone who didn't take the time to learn your name before approaching you in a professional setting?
Literary Agent
#querytip Some version of "self-publishing didn't go the way I thought it would" isn't the best way to get an agent interested in your MS
Literary Agent
#querytip a polite "thank you for your time" email after a rejection is fine-but it shouldn't also include another query for your next MS
Literary Agent
#querytip PERSONALIZE YOUR QUERY LETTER. If I could type that bigger, I would. Really can't emphasize that enough.
Literary Agent
#querytip you wrote 3 books- great! Sending three separate queries to the same agent for each of your 3 books at the same time- not so great
Literary Agent
#querytip few things belie a cut-and-paste query job like my name in a completely different font than the rest of your letter.
Literary Agent
#querytip Form query letters stand out in the worst possible way. Personalizing your query for each agent, even a little bit, works wonders
Literary Agent
#querytip You'd never start a cover letter or a request for a job interview with "Hi!" I'd advise taking the same approach to query letters.
Literary Agent
#querytip Just because your book takes place in the past, that doesn't necessarily mean it's right for an agent who reps historical fiction.
Literary Agent
#querytip To authors submitting via snail mail, please try and keep your cat off the printer paper. Some of us are allergic.
Literary Agent
#querytip if you have been trying to sell the same MS for five years now, maybe it's time to put this one aside and write something new.