Alec Shane
Literary Agent
Writers House
Literary Agent at Writers House, LLC. Wannabe Patriots sportswriter.

Literary Agent
OK, that's my #tenqueries. Glad I got a request in this latest batch - I like saying yes WAY more than I like saying no.
Hopefully these are helpful - just keep in mind that nobody in the publishing industry has any idea whatsoever what they're doing. Especially yours truly.

Literary Agent
Q10: Pubbed with a small press that went under, rights reverted, now looking for new publisher. In general, very tough to do. Usually, when a novel is out, it's out. Sucks when this happens. I always say write something new, maybe re-release this one at a later date #tenqueries

Literary Agent
Q9: MG with a great, unique opening. I'm already in love with one of the characters and excited to see what happens next. Will be requesting. #tenqueries

Literary Agent
Q8: In my #MSWL I request nonfiction about under the radar people and events that should be more well-known. Sometimes, the NF/biography is a little *too* under the radar to find any real commercial success. That's the case here. Pass. #tenqueries

Literary Agent
Q7: Horror. Prologue in italics describing an ancient evil. This type of opening has been done before many, many times, and this iteration of it doesn't quite stand out enough. Pass. #tenqueries

Literary Agent
Q6: Passing for no good reason other than "I read this, it's perfectly good, I don't have anything negative to say about it...but I didn't get to the end of page 10 just dying to read more." Totally unfair, I know. #tenqueries

Literary Agent
Q5: Memoir. I do very little memoir, it has to hit the perfect combination of factors for me to take it on. But a good writer, will suggest she try one of my colleagues. #tenqueries

Literary Agent
Q4: Very well-executed letter. Author did her research, named a few of my authors, feels like we'd be a match. Opening pages started strong, but got very into the weeds with describing setting, spent more time on the car and highway than the driver. Pass. #tenqueries

Literary Agent
Q3: Historical fiction. I'm picky about HF, as it's a difficult sell and I have to be very into the novel's time period. I'm not in this case, alas. But a good query, well written pages, just not for me. This is a very subjective business. Pass #tenqueries

Literary Agent
Q2: MG NF. Writing style/voice and content doesn't quite add up. Subject matter skews older, writing feels geared towards much younger readers. Pass. #tenqueries

Literary Agent
Q1: Other than 'completely not my genre,' pretty much the only thing where I'll pass based on query alone is a massive Word Count. Thriller, 165K words, twice as long as a debut should be - particularly a thriller, where pacing is vital. #tenqueries

Literary Agent
OK, that's my #tenqueries. Two requests, eight passes. Not a bad haul.
I may briefly hop back on for any pitch contests that might be taking place this summer...otherwise, no Twitter for me anytime soon.

Literary Agent
Q10: The author decided to forego the query letter altogether and just went right into Chapter 1. The quality of the writing is exactly 1 million percent more valuable than a query letter could ever be...but you should still include one with your submission. #tenqueries

Literary Agent
Q9: Classic story retelling. There are already tons of classic story retellings out there, not sure what this one brings to to the table. Pass. #tenqueries

Literary Agent
Q8: Writing isn't there. One of the most common reasons I pass on a submission is that the writing isn't there. #tenqueries

Literary Agent
Q7: Military fiction. I really like MF...but unless the writing is spectacular and the story is unlike anything else I've read, it's just a really tough sell. Pass. #tenqueries

Literary Agent
Q6: Well-written query, great comp titles, author did her research and queried me because she read it's my kind of story. Few things will separate you from the pack like proving to an agent you did your homework and are querying that specific agent for a reason. #tenqueries

Literary Agent
Q5: I genuinely admire and appreciate persistence, a consistent willingness to improve, and taking your shot...but if you've queried me so many times with so many different projects that I immediately recognize your name in my inbox, we just might not be a good match. #tenqueries

Literary Agent
Q4: Spider-themed horror novel. I'll always be a sucker for spider stories, especially one that sounds like it offers a fresh twist on the usual fare. Will request. #tenqueries

Literary Agent
Q3: Opening pages are a long, incredibly accurate, fairly detailed medical report regarding a cause of death. Impressive...but a simple "The medical report revealed that he had been poisoned" would have gotten the point across and not bogged the story down. Pass. #tenqueries