Antoinette Van Sluytman

Literary Agent

Looking Glass Literary & Media

@IGLAbooks SFF junior agent. Member of AALA & MDI committee. @Antoinight author account. 🥷🏾anti-literary imperialism🥷🏾✨She/Her✨

Antoinette Van Sluytman
Literary Agent
@IGLAbooks SFF junior agent. Member of AALA & MDI committee. @Antoinight author account. 🥷🏾anti-literary imperialism🥷🏾✨She/Her✨

In modern fantasy I'm looking for things like Jade City. Give me family shenanigans, politics, with really unique magic systems. Babel and Black Sun are always top on my list. Overall anything with colonizer bashing themes, non-western mythos, pirates, or dark academics