Uwe Stender
Literary Agent
Triada US Literary Agency
Founder @triadaus, Literary/Film Agent. Herthaner. Berliner Schnauze. Westend. Qualität kommt von Qual. 1982,1991, 2013, 2017. Books, Films, Music. ❤ Berlin ❤
Literary Agent
Linnea García @Linnea_Garcia
@UweStenderPhD What's your biggest pet peeve in stories (character trait, trope, etc) besides boys with crooked smiles? 🙃😂😎. People dying in car crashes.
Literary Agent
whitney d. grandison writes 👨🏾💻 @whitney_DG
@UweStenderPhD Do literary agents rep scripts too, or a different agent does that?You mean screenplays? They are usually repped by talent agents.
Literary Agent
Vanessa E. @vanessaepeay
@UweStenderPhD Recently there was a lot going around about a new agent signing too many clients at once with very little experience. How does someone become a literary agent? It takes 4-6 years right? #askagentBecoming a literary agent is different from making a living. Realistically, yes, it takes about 5 years to make a living.
Literary Agent
Vanessa E. @vanessaepeay
@UweStenderPhD If you take on a new client, do you work on revisions with the author or do you get the book ready to submit #askagentI always work on revisions. No book is perfect.
Literary Agent
Kayla McGrath 📚 @KaylaMcGrath_
@UweStenderPhD How many clients do you sign each year on average? And how many full manuscripts do you normally request? ☺️Not that many. In 2019, I signed 7. But it all depends, could be more or less. I get a lot of queries. I probably request 12-15 a month.
Literary Agent
Amy Lange Kawamura @AmyLangeKawmura
@UweStenderPhD Hi, Thank you for doing this.Like many writers, the project I'd been working on is contemporary fiction..but I've been working on it for past two years..characters touch each other, no six foot rules. With COVID-19, are these manuscripts still wanted? 2019 era living. Thank you!
I would want it. This won't last forever.
Literary Agent
E R Hoffer (@🏠) @erhoffer
@UweStenderPhD What gives you hope nowadays? Asking for a friend.How relatively well Germany handles Covid-19. So, it is possible to be ok (ish). We'll get a treatment, a vaccine. This too shall pass.
Literary Agent
Allison Lane @AllisonLane
@UweStenderPhD What's your advice on identifying relevant comps published in the last 1-2 years? The challenge is most Amazon categories are filled with reprints or other versions of older titles. (kindle/audiobooks).Read recent books. Also, you can use movies or TV shows.
Literary Agent
Susan Burdorf @sburdorf
@UweStenderPhD Two minutes to ask a question: #askagent What is your worst nightmare when it comes to manuscripts? in life?Worst nightmare re: manuscripts? A writer not delivering on time.
Worst nightmare in life? I am grateful to BE alive, so the loss of a loved one, including my dogs, is my worst nightmare.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
MichaelJWriting @MichaelJWriting
@UweStenderPhD What are your thoughts on author platforms for Fiction writers?It's nice if you have one. But it is not a necessity.
Literary Agent
GL Francis @merelecroix
@UweStenderPhD Thank you for spending the time to answer questions!Although I'm seeking an agent for my MS, I found a publisher who takes unagented submissions but with a long (1 yr +) report time due to volume.
Is it ethical or advisable to sub the work while querying agents?
That is a too complicated question for a Twitter response. I would keep querying. But, again, this question has a lot of layers re: an answer. However, IF the pub states it wants an exclusive for a year +, then don't submit to them. It's ridiculous.
Literary Agent
Shanice Littlejohn is querying @twixsftbl
@UweStenderPhD How likely am I to get published if my own voices novel makes white folx uncomfortable with their own privilege?Ha! I don't know. People CLAIM they are open to own voices. So, theoretically, as long as the writing and the story are strong, it should be a shoo in. BUT, you don't know IF the claims are real. (And to be fair, tastes are subjective.)
Literary Agent
Shanice Littlejohn is querying @twixsftbl
@UweStenderPhD How many agents should we query each round and at what point of rejection do you say I need to put this away and try writing something new?As many as you like. Start with your Top Thirty and go from there. I would write something new the second you start querying.
Literary Agent
Kristi McManus 🛫 @kristimcmanus
@UweStenderPhD What is one trope you feel is overdone? #askagentThe ugly one becomes beautiful.
Literary Agent
Kristi McManus 🛫 @kristimcmanus
@UweStenderPhD Did you send out the offer of rep for the ms you were loving last weekend? 😎Yes, I made the call.
Literary Agent
Ian Compass @iancompass
@UweStenderPhD Suppose an author uses the wrong age category in a query, e.g. calls it a YA novel when it’s actually adult or vice versa. Is this a turnoff for an agent if they represent both and the book is well-written—solidly feels like either YA or adult but not mixing elements of the two?Yes, for me it's an automatic NO. If you don't know the proper age category, then I am not going to pay attention.
Literary Agent
Monty Harper @montyharper
@UweStenderPhD #askagent - Your query guidelines are very sparse - you don't ask for first pages or a synopsis. What's behind your choice to keep it simple?If I like the query, I will request the full. If I don't like the query, I will pass. It is just a personal preference. It's like taking a sip from a drink and not liking it, I won't drink more just to see if it tastes better later.
Literary Agent
Leslie's #Dreamwalking in 2020 🦄 @LeslieDRush
@UweStenderPhD Yay! We need some Dr. Toughlove to end the week.If you're getting a good rate of requests, lots of good feedback, maybe a solid R&R---but no offers of rep, what's the best next step?
Write a new book!
Literary Agent
Ari Augustine Is Elsewhere @SouffleLumiere
@UweStenderPhD Mr. Agent, sir, it's Augustine with Yodel News. What's a trope you never tire of reading (so long as it's done anew)?Also, all the polls say you're the greatest 👍🍺🎥
Nobody ever had better polls than me.
I love: The Love Triangle.