Kaitlyn Johnson
Literary Agent
Belcastro Agency
Agent @belcastr. insta: kjbelcastro. Freelance Editor. Serial comma for life. She/her. Query at QueryManager.com/1147
Literary Agent
Kelly @YAFantasyFan
Cursing out one of the interns and calling them the C word when she asks you to revise and resubmit your query gets you flagged. #querytipDO NOT abuse the people trying to help you. No agency will ever want to work with you if this is how you treat people #querytip #amquerying
Literary Agent
New query trend I've noticed lately: swearing off sex/men/women. Why is this so popular now? Thoughts? #amquerying #querytip #amwriting
Literary Agent
#CLAqueries #querytip #amquerying
"I saw your profile and thought, why not?"
Maybe don't do this in querying, dating, & just life.
Literary Agent
#CLAqueries Be sure to have solid ages for your characters. "Youngish" or "twenty-something" can change how readers picture them #querytip
Literary Agent
Savvy Authors @SavvyAuthors
SavvyAuthors Wow'em Spring Pitchfest TOMORROW!! May 17-19 open to everyone! Learn more! goo.gl/4yelrc #savvypitchfest #writers pic.twitter.com/wj7K4AENOLDon't miss @SavvyAuthors Pitchfest May 17-19! I can't wait to see your amazing pitches! #amwriting #amquerying #querytip
Literary Agent
Lydia Sharp @lydia_sharp
I love clever language but not at the sake of losing clarity. Don't make me work to figure out what's being said or done on page. #writetipGreat advice from @lydia_sharp about clarity in your prose #amwriting #amediting #querytip
Literary Agent
Great article! How a Lit Agent Acquires Clients #amquerying #querytip booksandsuch.com/blog/how-a-lit…
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Kelly @YAFantasyFan
Please don't send me self pubbed manuscripts. It makes me sad I can't represent them. Send me your NEXT manuscript...unpublished. #querytipAlso when told they don't accept self-pub books, don't respond angrily/demand they read your pages. You ruin chance for next book #querytip
Literary Agent
Excited to be spotlighted in @WritersDigest! Thanks to @crisfreese for the opportunity #amquerying #RevPit #querytip writersdigest.com/editor-blogs/g…
Literary Agent
Haven't heard about the new #RevPit contest? #amwriting #amquerying #querytip See the details at: kjohnsonfreelance.com/kjohnsoneditor…
Literary Agent
#CLAqueries Note: @CorvisieroLit is an agency where a "no from 1 is a no from all". Please don't sub again—to any agent—if we pass #querytip
Literary Agent
#CLAqueries If you include multiple slashes in your genre explanation, you didn't do enough research. One genre, w/ elements. Done #querytip
Literary Agent
#CLAqueries Please don't call your submission an "offering". It's not a sacrifice on the blood altar of the lit gods #querytip #amquerying 😂
Literary Agent
There are so many ways to say "walked". Google is full of synonyms. Explore! #querytip #amediting #amwriting #amquerying #bookwormproblems
Literary Agent
For the love of grammar, writers, learn its/it's. Google every single time if you have to. #CLAqueries #amquerying #amwriting #querytip
Literary Agent
#querytip Most overused words in a manuscript: slowly, that, toward, look, feel, seemed, turned, watched.
More to follow. #amediting
Literary Agent
#CLAqueries And now something I'm NOT seeing anymore? Contemporary Fantasy. And let me just say, THANK YOU! #querytip #amquerying
Literary Agent
#CLAqueries this is good for you and us, because we can see your continued interest & respect for our sub guidelines (3/3) #querytip