Naomi Davis
Literary Agent
BookEnds Literary Agency
Eternally optimistic Literary Agent at @Bookendslit Genderqueer ๐ณ๏ธโ๐ ND; I laugh & love relentlessly. Repped by the phenomenal @4triciaskinner

Literary Agent
Naomi Davis @NaomisLitPix
#querytip #amquerying We know writers wish we could give personal feedback on each query rejection. I wish we could. But simply put, with 1000s of queries/year, if we did that we would have no time for anything BUT queries. An agent's job has much, much more to it than that. /1And we would rather spend our time helping you through #querytip, and deliver on all our promises to our existing clients.
Do not give up. Keep at it. Rejections ARE subjective. /13

Literary Agent
#amquerying: please remember: a rejection means "I'm not the right agent for this book" or "this book needs you to keep working on it"
It does NOT equal anything about your value as a creator. You are powerful&wonderful& absolutely should NOT stop writing what you love. #querytip

Literary Agent
Melissa Caruso @melisscaru
Lest anyone think having to shelve a novel or two reflects poorly on your chances of eventual publication, let me tweet you the hilarious path of abandoned bad idea novels (and some decent ones?) that led me to publication. (Thread!)All #amquerying #amwriting #amediting authors should have a read of this thread by Melissa Caruso. Never stop writing. If something isn't working, try something new. You will get there if you keep going and don't let yourself get stuck on one book! #querytip

Literary Agent
So even if you've seen 100 rejections, send out some more queries. You just haven't found the agent, yet, who is flipping through the channels looking for exactly your story. Keep. At. It. /end

Literary Agent
My point is that rejections are because we are all picking based on these preferences, which are influenced by personal taste, reading history, market trends, our confidence in the genre, etc. /9

Literary Agent
It just means that maybe you've sent a Sandler to someone who wants a romcom, or maybe you've sent an elf story to someone who is burned out on Tolkien (me), or maybe your sci fi has been similarly done a few times recently and it needs to wait a while. /8

Literary Agent
One type of sci fi works for me, but not for others. But all these stories have merit and value, And many of them will appeal to an agent, even if not an agent you've queried yet. That does NOT mean your story isn't AMAZING. /7

Literary Agent
Agents reading queries is just like this. We all have different tastes and weird little specific things we prefer or refuse to read. /6

Literary Agent
But each of you wants to watch something different, so you split up because you pay for Netflix on 2 screens for a reason, and two of you watch a sci fi but really it's only the one ONE of you would have preferred, while the other watch Sandler& no one at all watches Damon. /5

Literary Agent
And someone says "Oh I just did a LoTR marathon and am totally burned out on elves and dwarves" but then you see the featured pic of some weird sci fi movie and say "what about this instead" and your BFF is like "wait I really wanted to watch that Sandler movie... /4

Literary Agent
And you're like "okay but I'm leaning more Marvel action" and someone else says "but there's this new Bourne movie and I was really hoping to watch that" and you hate Matt Damon cuz who doesn't, so you say "what about that weird Will Smith elf and orc movie instead" .../3

Literary Agent
And you're like "damn I could really go for some Sandler low comedy right now" and another friend is like "ok but old Sandler, not new Sandler," and then another friend says "but guys I'm really feeling an action movie tonight" .../2

Literary Agent
Bear with me, This DOES have to do with #amwriting and #querytip.
You know when you're on the couch with your friends and trying to pick what movie to Netflix and you're like "hey let's do comedy" And one friend is like "ok but not slapstick comedy just Rom com..." /1

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Love yourself for writing that backburnered book. Thank yourself for being willing to step back, for being willing to move on, for caring enough about your career to not get stuck on that one title.
You are more than this one book. You were born to write your next book, too. /9

Literary Agent
DO NOT beat yourself up for the book that did not soar the way you envisioned it at the beginning. You can't control the market, or competing titles, or agent/editor wishlists, and you can only learn as fast as you do. Every book has a purpose, even the one in the drawer. /8

Literary Agent
Always, always look to your next book. This book maybe had flawless characters - you want to be known for that? Great! Do it again.
Do it even better in next book, this time avoiding whatever pitfalls held you back. LEARN from these books. Love them. But whatever you do... /7

Literary Agent
So please try not to despair when book has gone the rounds of submissions &stuck nowhere, or when it must be put away despite the love you poured into it. You KNOW your next book will be better-It always is. This book needed to happen, regardless of whether it ever made print. /6

Literary Agent
In this next book, your characters will be even MORE real. Stronger. Passionate. Driven. Decisive.
Your settings more vibrant. Interactive. Tangible.
Your stakes higher,your plot smoother, your dialogue snappier.
Your next book (or the next) is the one you want on the shelves. /5