Thais Afonso

Literary Agent

Azantian Literary Agency

Associate Literary Agent with Azantian Literary Agency I Currently open to queries from BIPOC authors I She/Her

Thais Afonso
Literary Agent
Associate Literary Agent with Azantian Literary Agency I Currently open to queries from BIPOC authors I She/Her

In sports romance, I want drama and high stakes. Give me Olympians going head-to-head for the Gold Medal, I love actual rivalry. Give me an ex-partner being chosen as the national team’s coach. Give me genderqueers setting fire to these dumb gendered sports.

Thais Afonso
Literary Agent
Associate Literary Agent with Azantian Literary Agency I Currently open to queries from BIPOC authors I She/Her

This is also the one time, every four years, when I’m very interested in sports that aren’t Figure Skating, so you might as well send me those sports romances (No hokey, please. I’ve tried, it’s not for me.) #MSWL