Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Here is the EXCLUSIVE and DEFINITIVE list of questions to ask agents when you talk to them on the phone about representation.
j/k there is no list but this is about why
#amquerying #writingcommunity #amwriting #pubtip

Literary Agent
You worked super hard to polish your manuscript and be query ready! Don't let that hard work slip away by not following submission guidelines 😁
#querytip #query #amwriting #amediting #hardworkpaysoff #Hardwork #WIP #YA #MG #PB

Literary Agency
Talking Down About Others & Yourself: Three Surprising Query Letter Mistakes by @ericsmithrocks bit.ly/2MPYka6 via @PubCrawlBlog #querytip #pubtip

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Caitlin McDonald [social media hiatus] @literallycait
#querytip: Industry standard is to give agents 2 weeks notice when you receive an offer of representation. I've been seeing/hearing of a lot of one-week notices lately & that's not enough time for most agents to read, given our other commitments to our clients!Apparently this needs boosting. #evergreen #querytip

Literary Agent
Samantha Wekstein @SWekstein
Please stop calling your projects New Adult, I beg you! I wish New Adult took off, but it didn't. And so now, it's not a marketable genre to publishers. If you pitch to me as NA, I will be more likely to reject. Try to stick to Adult or YA with crossover potential. #querytipSo much this....but also don’t write your book about 20 year olds and tell me it’s young adult, know what makes a book YA or adult, have reasons for your protagonists being the age they are, know your genres and age groups. #querytip

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Tara is open to queries. 🔮✨ @Literary_Tara
I love being an agent, but the worst part about the job is having to pass on great manuscripts. We can't take on all the ones we like, we have to take on the ones that truly sink their teeth into us. The ones we have a vision for. The ones that click. 1/2I know there are people behind those manuscripts who worked their butts off and I want you to know that you are great. Keep trying. #amquerying #querytip #amwriting #amagenting 2/2

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Samantha Wekstein @SWekstein
Let's talk about titles! For a query titles don't matter much, so don't stress. Titles often change multiple times before publication. However! Titles should be catchy! They should say something about your book.They should not include unrecognizable, made up words. #querytipThere are obviously some exceptions to that last one. They should not be so long that we can't remember them! They should not have subtitles unless they are nonfiction. Look at current popular titles in your genre and try to emulate the style. #querytip

Literary Agent
Please indicate whether you're querying with a fiction or nonfiction project. It's not always obvious. Thank you. #pubtip #amquerying

Literary Agency
How To Research Literary Agents youtu.be/8PxmWYq8w1Q via @YouTube #querytip #pubtip #writetip

Literary Agent
Lynn Johnston @lynnjohnstonlit
3) Turn in individual chapters as you finish them. Not preferred unless super crunched on time since editors need several chapter for perspective.There are many variations. Best to agree upfront how you & your editor will work together. Editors usually work on several projects at a time so need to plan when a mss is coming in for editing. #pubtip #amediting

Literary Agent
2) Write & turn in a chunk of the mss (3-4 chapters, half of mss) to make sure you’re on the right track & get feedback from editor before finishing mss.

Literary Agent
Someone asked the best way to edit a manuscript with your editor. Options:
1) Write whole thing, turn it in, editor gives you edits in a long editorial letter and/or line edits, you address those edits. Repeat as necessary.