Literary Agent
Lynn Johnston @lynnjohnstonlit
3) Turn in individual chapters as you finish them. Not preferred unless super crunched on time since editors need several chapter for perspective.There are many variations. Best to agree upfront how you & your editor will work together. Editors usually work on several projects at a time so need to plan when a mss is coming in for editing. #pubtip #amediting
Literary Agent
2) Write & turn in a chunk of the mss (3-4 chapters, half of mss) to make sure you’re on the right track & get feedback from editor before finishing mss.
Literary Agent
Someone asked the best way to edit a manuscript with your editor. Options:
1) Write whole thing, turn it in, editor gives you edits in a long editorial letter and/or line edits, you address those edits. Repeat as necessary.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
This year, I want stories with depth. Complex, complicated, emotional depth. Storytelling is the core of our human existence. Bring me a story to prove this. #amquerying #querytip #MSWL
If you're querying an agent you've previously interacted with in any depth (read a partial; read a full) w/a new project, acknowledging that history is a nice touch -- if they liked enough to request before, it's only a good thing. #querytip
Literary Agent
Now that I’m open to queries again. A quick reminder to review agency submission guidelines if you are not clear on where to send your query. #querytip #mswl #amquerying
Literary Agency
Why Agents Don't Often Represent Previously Self-Published Books via @msmariavicente #pubtip #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
My latest post takes a look at the close call rejection, that frustrating "I just didn't fall in love" response.
#querytip #askagent #pubtip…
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Writers, need some inspiration? Check out Starlight Writers Society. They are doing some magical work! :) #pubtip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Hey guys! I leave my DM's open because I do enjoy talking to you, but I really appreciate it if you don't DM to ask if you can query me. You can query any agent you like. Just make sure they are a good match by checking out their profiles. Thanks!! #amquerying #querytip