Literary Agent
I'm ready for #pitmad...are you? I'll be live from 8:00 to 2:00 so pitch me! #mswl #pubtip #publishing #amwriting
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Do you know the guidelines of Twitter pitch contests? Read this Writers In The Storm post: #pubtip
Literary Agent
For my sake, add a woman-authored book to your list. It makes you look better-read in the genre anyway. #querytip
Literary Agent
#querytip: it looks weird, if you're a man writing in a mostly-female genre (YA, romance, women's fic), to only comp your work to other men.
Literary Agent
What @DonaghyLiterary said! PLEASE follow submission guidelines. Why wouldn't you?? All the cool people do it! #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#querytip caveat: obviously the 5,000 rounding rule does not apply to picture books. ;)
Literary Agent
#querytip: round your word count to the nearest multiple of 5,000. 80,000 and 81,729 are exactly the same, from my perspective.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Query pet peeve: when mss is quoted in the letter. Makes writer seem precious about the prose, suggests s/he won't revise. #querytip