Sara Megibow
Literary Agent
she/her Literary Agent at KT Literary. Reading, parenting, table top gaming, baking challah, hiking and wine tasting. Always LGBTQIA+ friendly!
13 AskAgent
298 Queries
525 Tips

"ACK! But what's WRONG with my query?" ...Here are 2 blogs for good query help:… and… #pubtip

Emily Rodmell
Editor at HarperCollins / Harlequin Love Inspired Books. Lives for sunny days & city life. Instagram: NYC_Editor_Life, Facebook: Emily Rodmell, Editor
140 Tips

It's great to propmote books online but don't neglect your community. Try talking to students, book clubs, social groups in person. #pubtip

Jessica Faust
Literary Agent
President & founder of BookEnds Literary Agency, author advocate, optimist, & professional pain in the ass. Runs on coffee, wine, & kettlebells. She/Her
396 MSWL
574 AskAgent
191 Tips

I'm not a fan of books geared toward age groups. The Millennial's / Baby Boomer's / GenX Guide to…. not for me. #querytip

Lane Heymont
Literary Agent
Literary Agent. Connoisseur of horror, schadenfreude, and caffeine. Founder of @TheTobiasAgency . Opinions are my own. (he/him)
2 AskAgent
477 Tips

Also, ragging on other authors or genres is a big DON'T DO IT. We're adults. You need to shine without dulling someone else. #querytip

Lane Heymont
Literary Agent
Literary Agent. Connoisseur of horror, schadenfreude, and caffeine. Founder of @TheTobiasAgency . Opinions are my own. (he/him)
2 AskAgent
477 Tips

"Problems arise that challenge the MC". Okay? That literally says nothing. Show Goal, Motivation, Conflict. That says something. #querytip

Jessica Faust
Literary Agent
President & founder of BookEnds Literary Agency, author advocate, optimist, & professional pain in the ass. Runs on coffee, wine, & kettlebells. She/Her
396 MSWL
574 AskAgent
191 Tips

It never feels like much of a coincidence when you experienced the same thing as your character. #querytip

Alec Shane
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Writers House, LLC. Wannabe Patriots sportswriter.
100 MSWL
1 AskAgent
346 Queries
122 Tips

#pubtip don't stress over finding the perfect title too much; odds are it's going to change once an editor gets hold of your MS anyway.

Carly Watters
Literary Agent
SVP & Senior Lit Agent @PSLiterary MA in Publishing Studies @CityUniLondon Co-host of @TSNOTYAW VP of Professional Assoc. of Canadian Literary Agents
153 MSWL
229 AskAgent
334 Tips

"From News Article to Best Selling Memoir with @AspenMatis" Great radio show episode!… #pubtip

Laura Zats
Literary Agent
Founder & Agent @HeadwaterLit . Host of the award-winning @printrunpodcast . Publishers Weekly industry MVP. She/her & Ms/Mx. Open to queries!
213 MSWL
176 AskAgent
3124 Queries
162 Tips

Pretty good rule of thumb on #query requests: if we don't state we want a MS inline (esp if over 50 pgs), we want an attachment. #querytip

Emily Rodmell
Editor at HarperCollins / Harlequin Love Inspired Books. Lives for sunny days & city life. Instagram: NYC_Editor_Life, Facebook: Emily Rodmell, Editor
140 Tips

End every chapter with a cliffhanger or open question to keep readers turning the pages. #pubtip

Carly Watters
Literary Agent
SVP & Senior Lit Agent @PSLiterary MA in Publishing Studies @CityUniLondon Co-host of @TSNOTYAW VP of Professional Assoc. of Canadian Literary Agents
153 MSWL
229 AskAgent
334 Tips
Sara Megibow
Literary Agent
she/her Literary Agent at KT Literary. Reading, parenting, table top gaming, baking challah, hiking and wine tasting. Always LGBTQIA+ friendly!
13 AskAgent
298 Queries
525 Tips

#PubTip = if an author blurbs your book, say thank you by purchasing a few copies of their book. Read, donate, tweet about. #thanks

Lane Heymont
Literary Agent
Literary Agent. Connoisseur of horror, schadenfreude, and caffeine. Founder of @TheTobiasAgency . Opinions are my own. (he/him)
2 AskAgent
477 Tips
Elana Roth Parker
Literary Agent
Kidlit agent w/ @LDLiterary . @aalitagents communications committee. Avid quilter. Still not Elena. Open to queries. She/her.
103 MSWL
3 AskAgent
196 Tips

I’d really caution against naming a character something distinct and iconic from a major Hollywood franchise. #querytip

Caitlin McDonald
Literary Agent
literary agent @MaassLitAgency for SFF, YA, & GN • she/her • queer • ADHD • intensely editorial 📚 #BLM #TransRightsAreHumanRights
33 AskAgent
124 Queries
39 Tips

Adding a single Token Female to your all-male cast is a problem, not something good to highlight in your query letter. #querytip

Emily Rodmell
Editor at HarperCollins / Harlequin Love Inspired Books. Lives for sunny days & city life. Instagram: NYC_Editor_Life, Facebook: Emily Rodmell, Editor
140 Tips

Don't ever submit your first draft. If you think it's perfect, let it sit a week and then reread it. You'll find it's probably not. #pubtip

Lane Heymont
Literary Agent
Literary Agent. Connoisseur of horror, schadenfreude, and caffeine. Founder of @TheTobiasAgency . Opinions are my own. (he/him)
2 AskAgent
477 Tips

I'm not sure who said I represent thrillers, but I do not. Romantic suspense? Yes. Urban fantasy? Yes. Straight thrillers? No. #querytip

Carly Watters
Literary Agent
SVP & Senior Lit Agent @PSLiterary MA in Publishing Studies @CityUniLondon Co-host of @TSNOTYAW VP of Professional Assoc. of Canadian Literary Agents
153 MSWL
229 AskAgent
334 Tips

Writing isn’t publishing. Writing is a craft; publishing is a business. #pubtip

Amanda Jain
Literary Agent
Literary Agent repping adult fiction and nonfiction @bookendslit . You can query me at Books, books, books, always books. she/her
322 MSWL
16 AskAgent
15 Tips

FYI, emailing a link to your website does not a query make. #querytip