Rachel Brooks
Literary Agent
Agent at BookEnds Literary Agency @bookendslit . Cat mom. She/her. Query form: QueryManager.com/RBrooks
20 AskAgent
114 Tips
Lane Heymont
Literary Agent
Literary Agent. Connoisseur of horror, schadenfreude, and caffeine. Founder of @TheTobiasAgency . Opinions are my own. (he/him)
2 AskAgent
477 Tips

@KidLitKimi PLENTY of sites. @Janet_Reid's @QueryShark is probably the best! #querytip

Lane Heymont
Literary Agent
Literary Agent. Connoisseur of horror, schadenfreude, and caffeine. Founder of @TheTobiasAgency . Opinions are my own. (he/him)
2 AskAgent
477 Tips

Queriers, stop telling me what ur MC goes through. It's boring & lame. SHOW me. Be specific. Be concise. Focus on one or two MCs. #querytip

Melissa Edwards
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @stonesongNYC . Lawyer. Lover of TV, movies, and books. Slow runner. Let Bartlet be Bartlet.
218 MSWL
10 Queries
58 Tips

"The book is significantly original." #querytip what does that mean?

Elana Roth Parker
Literary Agent
Kidlit agent w/ @LDLiterary . @aalitagents communications committee. Avid quilter. Still not Elena. Open to queries. She/her.
103 MSWL
3 AskAgent
196 Tips

For anyone perpetually confused about magical realism, please read @michellewitte’s superb 5-part series. michellewittebooks.com/2015/07/what-i… #querytip

Patricia Nelson
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, representing YA & MG fiction (all genres), women's fiction & romance. She/her.
2 Queries
94 Tips

Magical realism =/= any story with magic. Check out this SF/F genre guide by @dreamoforgonon if confused! fuseliterary.com/sff-subcategor… #querytip

Patricia Nelson
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, representing YA & MG fiction (all genres), women's fiction & romance. She/her.
2 Queries
94 Tips

YES, magical realism in adult/YA/MG is still at the top of my #MSWL! But if you're going to use that term, know what it means. #querytip 1/2

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

"Writing shouldn't be a solo act. Books are a duet between a writer and their editor." - Jerry B. Jenkins #pubtip

Patricia Nelson
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, representing YA & MG fiction (all genres), women's fiction & romance. She/her.
2 Queries
94 Tips

Query: I am contacting you today about my "romance" novel.
Me: Wait, what kind of novel is this really...?
unnecessaryquotes.com #querytip

Caitie Flum
Literary Agent
Associate agent at Liza Dawson Associates. Thoughts are my own. Huge nerd, musical theater lover
49 AskAgent
62 Queries
27 Tips

If we interact on twitter/I follow you, make sure you mention it in query! #querytip (yes, this = subtweet and I mentioned it in email back)

Moe Ferrara
Literary Agent
Senior Literary Agent @BookEndsLit . 🏳️‍🌈 Violinist | Cosplayer | Anglophile | Geek Extraordinaire | Corgi Minion | Wine Enthusiast | Coffee Addict | #TeamMoe
156 MSWL
117 AskAgent
35 Queries
68 Tips

Authors - I want to know what your plot is in your query! Only telling me why you wrote it/it came to you in a dream doesn't help #querytip

Katie Shea Boutillier
Literary Agent
VP/Rights Director & Lit Agent w/ DMLA, specializing in commercial adult fiction & young adult. Open to queries as of 8/15/23 Query email: ksbqueries@gmail.com
62 Tips
Brianne Johnson
Literary Agent
pottery teacher, Muggle tolerator, Literary Agent @HGLiterary . querymanager.com/BrianneJohnson
27 AskAgent
31 Queries
3 Tips

Just FYI, writing tweeps! I delete all queries not addressed to me personally (MADAM? really?!) Everyone else gets a response. #querytip

Alec Shane
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Writers House, LLC. Wannabe Patriots sportswriter. ashane@writershouse.com
100 MSWL
1 AskAgent
346 Queries
122 Tips

#querytip a polite "thank you for your time" email after a rejection is fine-but it shouldn't also include another query for your next MS

Lane Heymont
Literary Agent
Literary Agent. Connoisseur of horror, schadenfreude, and caffeine. Founder of @TheTobiasAgency . Opinions are my own. (he/him)
2 AskAgent
477 Tips

Query me with ONE project at a time. Pretend I am a goldfish and have a three-second attention span. #querytip

Gemma Cooper
Literary Agent
Literary Agent. Book pusher, runner, Pollyanna, 1st person to ever have a kid (yes, everything he does *is* amazing!) She/her
32 AskAgent
3 Tips

Loading Nook with subs and feel it's time for this reminder again: when sending fulls, please put your query letter on the 1st page #pubtip

Melissa Edwards
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @stonesongNYC . Lawyer. Lover of TV, movies, and books. Slow runner. Let Bartlet be Bartlet.
218 MSWL
10 Queries
58 Tips

#querytip: if an agent asks for an R&R on a Monday and you resubmit on a Thursday, you didn't revise enough. I promise you, you didn't.

Lucy Carson
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at The Friedrich Agency, New Yorker, Anglophile, dog AND cat person, theater nerd, @girlswritenow mentor 📚 she/her
32 Tips

If you wait weeks to send your ms to an agent who asked for it, you're squandering a unique moment when their interest sparked. #querytip

Katherine Harrison
senior editor of ya, middle grade, & picture books (@knopfbfyr), appreciator of scientific oddities, & aspiring drummer // she/they 🌹
1 Tips

#pubtip: Linkedin is not a legitimate way for authors and editors to connect.

Carly Watters
Literary Agent
SVP & Senior Lit Agent @PSLiterary MA in Publishing Studies @CityUniLondon Co-host of @TSNOTYAW VP of Professional Assoc. of Canadian Literary Agents
153 MSWL
229 AskAgent
334 Tips