Literary Agent
Brilliant post by @tiffanyreisz on @Janice_Hardy blog on beta readers, "Even Alpha Writers Need Beta Readers"… #pubtip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
A basic litmus test for beta readers = have they read 2-3 novels in your genre in the past 2 years? #pubtip #important
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Catch-all #querytip blog post from @Janet_Reid at @QueryShark. Don't miss this one!
Literary Agent
"Who should read your unpublished work?" or All Readers Are Not Created Equal. Greatpost by @RachelleGardner… #pubtip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#QueryStats = to date, 89% of my clients came from a slush pile query letter. #WhyQueries #pubtip
Literary Agent
At the end of the day queries are impersonal, frustrating, crazy, overwhelming...and they still work best for me. #WhyQueries #pubtip
Literary Agent
For me, a slush pile query letter is still, by far, the most efficient way to find clients. Why?... #WhyQueries #pubtip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Also related: please don't call me 'Alex' in a #queryletter either. #querytip #thatsnotmyname 🎶