Literary Agency
Dvorah ❄️ @GoldenSong012
@FuseLiterary #askfuse how long should you wait to query the same agent with a different ms? Is it allowed to do that?.@GoldenSong012 There's no limit, but you make the best impression when you have a plan, rather than just a bunch of mss to submit. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Chelsey Papadopoulos @writerchelsey
@FuseLiterary what is a boutique literary agency, and how does it differ from other agencies? Thanks for doing this, #askfuse!.@writerchelsey Boutique agencies tend to be smaller. Some say that means more attention paid per client, but that varies greatly. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Jessica Guernsey @JessGuernsey
@FuseLiterary My query got requests, but the agents passed without feedback. Can I ask for feedback or is that taboo?#askfuse #amwriting.@JessGuernsey No. They'd give it if they had time. I wish I could provide feedback 4 every rejection, but it just isn't feasible. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
L. D. Lewis ❄️☃️❄️ @Ellethevillain
Is there a general rule for the line between acceptable world-building descriptions and "info dumping?" #AskFuse.@ElleLewis6 It's nuanced and varies by genre, but in general, you don't want too much too early or to sacrifice tension/intrigue. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Julie Dawn @_juliedawn
@FuseLiterary what is a must have add to an ebook to get readers to grab a sequel when its not out yet? #askfuse.@_juliedawn Excerpts help, as do exclusive discounts. Sometimes a compelling ad linking to a retailer is enough. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
☕Kara Cargill 🎄❄ @Coffee_Is_love
@FuseLiterary #AskFuse when writing a Query, how much detail is too much for the first paragraph? Should we do short and sweet? 4 sentences?.@Coffee_Is_love Your first query paragraph should hook in a powerful and economical way. 4 sentences = likely too long. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
#AskAgent from Tumblr: Does it hurt to mention a soon to be independently published book when querying an agent? A:
Literary Agent
Prepping for #Pitmad? Here's an older post of mine w/tips for Twitter pitch parties you may find helpful: #askagent
Literary Agent
I'm planning blog posts for December. What do you want to see a post about? #askagent #publishing
Literary Agency
Tumblr #AskAgent: What is your position on authors who have self-published novels or books with small press? Answer:
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
It's a quiet reading day for me, so now would be the time to submit any #askagent questions at!
Literary Agency
Tumblr #AskAgent: What is the typical timeline between manuscript submission & publication? Answer:
Literary Agent
Query Status Update: I have read all queries sent before November 20th. This doesn't include full MSs … #askagent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Elissa Dickey @ElissaDickey
@caitief Are agents less excited about other manuscripts they've requested if they've just signed another client? Thank you! #askagent.@ElissaDickey I know I'm not! It doesn't matter if I just signed someone, if I love something, I will go after it! #askagent
Literary Agent
TUMBLR Q: "I have a writing partner - how does that work with agents?" MY ANSWER: #askagent