Literary Agent
Saadia Faruqi @SaadiaFaruqi
What is your average response time? I've got a pitch anxiously waiting in your inbox! #askPSLA@SaadiaFaruqi We share a query inbox at @PSLiterary, so we often wait for all agents to catch up with reading queries! #askPSLA
Literary Agent
@StephJoannaHo I think it would depend on the category/genre. #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Rachel Charlene @RachelCharleneL
Would you say it's better to let a character's identities (queer, POC, etc) be revealed through the story, or to list in query? #askPSLA@RachelCharleneL Always reveal in story (so readers know about the character). Depends on the flow of your query for the pitch. #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Christine Grabowski @christinegrabo
#askPSLA how many agents do you have in your Toronto office versus NY office. Assume Canada is much bigger.@christinegrabo There are five literary agents at PSLA and we're all located in different cities! #askPSLA
Literary Agent
ms fang @thefangfiles
#askPSLA Probably dumb PSLA-specific question, but a first query to PSLA should NOT include synopsis/pages, right?@thefangfiles Correct! Just the query letter. We'll request pages and a synopsis if we're interested in the concept. #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Christine Grabowski @christinegrabo
#askPSLA if I have no writing credits should I include personal info in query letter or leave it out?@christinegrabo I'm fine with only a line of personal info if any, but other agents do seem to like that additional human touch! #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Christine Grabowski @christinegrabo
#askPSLA are there any drawbacks for a US writer to have a Canadian agent?@christinegrabo No, you can have an agent located anywhere! Just might make meeting in person difficult if that's important to you. #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Pundersmash @PunderLizard
@PSLiterary Are either of you fans of talking animal protags in MG fiction? #askPSLA@PunderLizard Watership Down & Silverwing are 2 of my fav MG books! But it needs to be very special to work for me in a submission. #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Rachel Charlene @RachelCharleneL
How should a writer let an agent know that characters are diverse within a query? Is there such thing as "too much" diversity? #askPSLA@RachelCharleneL And there's no such thing as "too much" diversity! There's representation done poorly, but that's different. #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Kirk Kraft @KAKraft
What's one idea/story/character you’d love to find in the slush pile today? #askPSLAI'd love to read the query inbox tonight & find a clever MG that reinvents history with a magical twist. #askPSLA…
Literary Agent
Rachel Charlene @RachelCharleneL
How should a writer let an agent know that characters are diverse within a query? Is there such thing as "too much" diversity? #askPSLA@RachelCharleneL Bring it up as naturally as possible, as just another element of your characters or w/the relevant plot point. #askPSLA
Literary Agent
TalkingDonkeyStudio @DonkeyTalking
@PSLiterary What's your favorite part of agenting? #askPSLA'
@DonkeyTalking Working with my talented clients! I love being present through all stages from idea to manuscript to published book. #askPSLA
Literary Agent
TalkingDonkeyStudio @DonkeyTalking
@PSLiterary What's your favorite part of agenting? #askPSLA'
@DonkeyTalking Rereading my clients' manuscripts and getting excited all over again about them #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Tomi Adeyemi @tomi_adeyemi
#askpsla @kurestinarmada @MsMariaVicente msmariavincente How do agents balance finding new clients with managing their existing list?@tomi_adeyemi Very carefully! Our clients' stuff comes first, and then when there is a lull in that work, we'll focus on queries. #askPSLA