Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Ben Ross @flyraccoonfly
@mushenska @Jawahara Does this really happen for every book you take on? I occasionally feel this way about a great book, but honestly not every book that I've read that's been published... I get that it's subjective, but every agent seems to say this!Yes! I HAVE to love that book in order to edit it, pitch it, believe in it thru rejections, shepherd it through publication and then work with the author on their next projects. But it IS subjective - I guarantee my fave novels are not everyone's favourites! #askagent
Literary Agent
Mark Lowes @MJLAuthor
Are there any upcoming popular trends/topics/genres you're seeing?#askagent
a LOT of pandemic novels #askagent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Jenny Ireland @IdreamofNarnia
@mushenska @julietpickering #askagent is the New Adult market popular at the minute? Particularly for women's fiction/ romance never really took off in the UK - quite a few publishers tried it but it struggled over here as a genre #askagent
Literary Agent
Carol Lucas @callydcfc
#askagent if I got a full request from an agent and it was then rejected, is it bad form to mention it when I query the next book?I'm leaning towards not mentioning it
Up to you to be honest - if your gut says not to mention it then go with that #askagent
Literary Agent
JD Horner @jd_horner
#askagentHi there. I’m currently editing my fourth contemporary fiction novel but it is 130000 words. I’m finding it difficult to cut back without loosing clarity or something necessary. When you receive a submission, is this length a definit no-no?
It's not an instant no, but it would make me worry that the pace would be difficult to sustain #askagent
Literary Agent
julieP @readmynovels
Hi. do you, as an agent, edit submissions? Does the publisher expect to edit, perhaps change the book title, make other adjustments if a novel is accepted?#askagent
Yes, I do, and yes, the editor will expect to some work on the book also - can range from minor nips and tucks to quite big structural work #askagent
Literary Agent
Beatrice Anobah @anobah_beatrice
@mushenska #askagent hi Juliet, how does one know their MS is ready for submission? My MS has been critiqued, workshopped, re-edited...I keep thinking I'm on the final draft but I also thought that about 2 drafts ago!You'll never QUITE know but I'd say that after 3 drafts, hit that send button #askagent
Literary Agent
Gemma @GemIsWriting
With the looming economic uncertainty, do you think agents/publishers will be even more wary about signing authors writing in genres already considered a 'tough sell' (e.g. SFF)? #askagentRight now, it's business as usual - editors are still buying as they need to bolster their lists for the next 12/18 months. We got through 2008 so I think we'll get through this #askagent
Literary Agent
Darren @DarrenHodge1
#askagent do you have any advice for people looking to apply for agent assistant roles?research their list as much as possible and tailor your approach - I've had many applications where they don't reference a single client of mine, or their favourite genres are ones I don't rep #askagent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
An #AskAgent about dark themes in YA books! Please note: I read this question before bed and I had nightmares about it. If your book is about MUTILATION, please for the love of god do NOT send it to me, I will cry! I AM A SCAREDY-CAT!!!…
Literary Agent
Vanessa E. @vanessaepeay
@marchsoloway do you prefer for queries to jump right into the pitch or be personalized? #askagentA personalized note is nice but not necessary. I am most interested in the pages and writing. If you can raise a question in my mind that I have to know the answer, I will sit up all night reading. #askAgent
Literary Agent
Melissa Fedak @melissafedak
@taralazar @marchsoloway What percentage of authors that you agree to represent end up getting accepted by an editor and published? (I've heard that agents having a book on submission is kind of like authors querying agents.) #askagentI haven't crunched the numbers but lately (well, until the pandemic shut everything done), I was having a good luck with a number of projects. That said, not every project sells. Sometimes the time just isn't right. When that happens, we try something else. #askagent
Literary Agent
Tara Lazar @taralazar
@pennymmcnally @marchsoloway My agent (@joanpaq) is still submitting my work. Editors are still answering. #askauthorI am also still submitting clients' work and still hearing back from editors. Fingers crossed! #askagent
Literary Agent
jimchaize @jchaize1
#askagent Has the situation in the world today changed what you are interested in representing in any way? Do you think it will change what readers choose to read themselves or to children? @marchsoloway @taralazarGood question. Not yet, but it's only been a few weeks, and who knows how I'll feel next month. That said, personally, I am not interested in reading pandemic lit now. I love to read a good horror but not the one I'm currently living. #AskAgent
Literary Agent
Rachell Abalos 🇵🇭🇺🇸🤓 @RachellAbalos
@taralazar @marchsoloway #askauthor #askagent Is there a saturated subject in PB?Not if you have a fresh twist we haven't seen before! Difficult, but brilliant when done well! #AskAgent
Literary Agent
Alicia Curley @ACurleyWrites
@taralazar @marchsoloway Question for both #askauthor and #askagent - any favorite tropes you love to read and write? Or any you're wishing writers would experiment with or reinvent?Gosh, this is a great question, and nothing is coming to mind right now. I love a good haunted house story and would love to find a fresh twist on that genre. #AskAgent
P.S. If suddenly wake up at 4 a.m. and think of something good, I'll tweet it tomorrow. 😉
Literary Agent
Stephanie Gibeault @GibeaultWrites
@marchsoloway what do you think of questions in a pitch? Something like, "Can you do that?" Or would you rather see statements. #askagentHm, hard to say without seeing the pitch. I usually prefer statements that raise a question in my mind. That said, depending on the pitch, a question might be a fun way to pique interest. #AskAgent