Literary Agent
TUMBLR Q: "How long can I stall an offering agent?" -- MY ANSWER:… #AskAgent (spoiler: please not more than 2 weeks)
Literary Agency
Mark the calendar! Our first #askPSLA of 2017 is happening THIS Friday 4-5pm EST with agents @ericsmithrocks & @msmariavicente! #askagent
Literary Agent
TUMBLR Q: "I am beyond new at this. WHAT DO I DO???" MY ANSWER:… (I *think* they meant "new at writing"??) #AskAgent
Literary Agent
TUMBLR Q: "Would you accept book2 when book1 was sold to a small press and needs a rewrite?" MY ANSWER:… #AskAgent
Literary Agent
TUMBLR Q: "When in the querying process do I mention I've been agented before? What do I say?" MY ANSWER:… #AskAgent
Literary Agent
Felix Alexander @ForeverPoetic
@literaticat #AskAgent Is it advantageous for a writer to showcase range with (polished) multi-genre releases, or focus on one genre/series?there are different schools of thought. I'm not sure either approach is "better" - depends on the author! #askagent
Literary Agent
Dvorah ❄️ @GoldenSong012
@literaticat Oooh, I have one! In YA fantasy, will having more than one third person PoV character make it a tougher sell? #AskAgentI am not sure that would stop somebody from loving an excellent book. #askagent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Robin Melay Pizzo @Everywoman98
@literaticat #AskAgent If submission is rejected by agent A is it a good idea 2submit something else 2agent a or move on? #pbs stacking upif you have had several non-promising R, I'd move on. BUT if they say "I'd like to see more" - believe them! #askagent
Literary Agent
Michelle Mohrweis @MMichelleAZ
@literaticat Is there any demand for Author/Illustrator combos in children's and Lower MG? Authors that also illustrate their own work?more in picture books, I think. #askagent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
jennifer laughran @literaticat
@Everywoman98 early readers are tough / they are often established characters or generated in-house. #askagentCB some people don't differentiate - I'd query agents who like MG, unless they say specifically "no chapter books" #askagent
Literary Agent
Robin Melay Pizzo @Everywoman98
@literaticat #AskAgent Are agents interested in early readers, chapter books? Don't see it listed much.early readers are tough / they are often established characters or generated in-house. #askagent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Dori @Dooreenuh
@literaticat how do you decide which publishing houses to send a clients work to? :)I know a LOT of editors, and have a massive spreadsheet; I pick editors who I think will like the book. matchmaking! #askagent
Literary Agent
Aneeqah N. @hianeeqah
@literaticat Any advice on getting internships with an agent? (and how to eventually launch an agent career?)… (and marry a supportive spouse) #askagent
Literary Agent
Sue Lowell Gallion @SueLGallion
@literaticat Do you think many agents are interested in submitting these? Or are most ideas/opportunities generated inside the pub houses?I think chapter books yes (but it should be able to support a series) - original early readers tougher #askagent
Literary Agent
Roz MacLean @rozmaclean
@literaticat I'm Canadian but the American market is so much bigger . . . Do US agents ever rep Cdns?yes, sure. We have clients all once the world. #askagent
Literary Agent
Melanie Stanford 🎄❄️🎁 @MelMStanford
@literaticat when querying a new agent with a previously rep'd ms, how many subs to editors is too many? #askagentI'd say that is case-by-case. I mean - how many publishers publish that kinda book? How many avenues are exhausted? #askagent
Literary Agent
jennifer laughran @literaticat
@MMichelleAZ how old is your intended audience? 7-8-9? Lotta white space on the page, still has illustrations? Lower MG. #askagentis it for 8-12 -- somewhat longer, more sophisticated? That's true mg. A bit "edgy"/scary/suitable for 10+? Upper mg. #askagent