Moe Ferrara
Literary Agent
Triada US Literary Agency
Senior Literary Agent @BookEndsLit. 🏳️🌈 Violinist | Cosplayer | Anglophile | Geek Extraordinaire | Corgi Minion | Wine Enthusiast | Coffee Addict | #TeamMoe

Literary Agent
Joanne Machin is querying! @heyjomachin
I *think* I have a basic understanding of it as a writer—but I’d love additional input. “Voice” has been so huge in everything I read re:pub. What is your best answer to what exactly is “voice?” #AskAgentVoice is so nebulous, especially in terms of what we all react to and are looking for. For me, it's how you craft your manuscript—the dialogue, the description, etc. The tone and the sorts of emotion you can evoke in me. #AskAgent

Literary Agent
Andy Jewett @andyjewett
Last one from me... maybe. For graphic novels do you want a completed script along with rough art/finished art... or are you looking for more of a pitch package? @bookendslit #askagentIf you are previously published in comics, I'm more open to a pitch packet because I know you can finish a project. If you're a debut, I want to see a lot more of finished art/script. #AskAgent

Literary Agent
Jason Franz @TheBadgrProject
Happy quarantine #AskAgent I was wondering what the general consensus was for query you like it when we jump right in to the story and pitch and leave personalization for later in the query, or do you like us to lead with why we chose to sub to you?Every agent is different. It honestly doesn't matter because we can jump around in the query if we just want to know what your story is. :^) #AskAgent

Literary Agent
KAClaytor @KAClaytor
What are agents thoughts on representing overseas authors?#AskAgentSpeaking as one who has, now, four Aussie authors—totally fine with it. It just means a lot of creative math for phone calls! #AskAgent

Literary Agent
Caroline Bertaud @BertaudCaroline
@bookendslit #AskAgent When my second manuscript is ready, would an agent be more inclined to represent me if I’d gone through the process of having it reviewed by Kirkus before querying? (Assuming the review was good, of course.)I care about the book itself, not what someone else thought of it! I'd rather see you stand on your own merits. :^) #AskAgent

Literary Agent
Jess Hartley @jesshartley
I've heard a lot of differing views on what defines a novel as YA (in terms of content, not just intended readership). What, beyond age of protagonist, makes a book YA fantasy, versus general fantasy in your opinion? @bookendslit #AskAgentWhat sort of journey does your protagonist go on? At the end of the day, YA is a coming-of-age sort of story! #AskAgent

Literary Agent
So as we're ending this #AskAgent, self-promo time! If you've liked what I said and think we'd be a match, shoot me a query at
Top of my wishlist: LGBT contemp, unique fantasy, creepy mind-bending horror.
Ages acquiring: PB, MG, YA, Adult

Literary Agent
Anastasia K. Bond @AnastasiaKBond
I often hear that I should specify the reason for querying a particular agent (i.e. you repped X and you say you like Y) but the times I've done that have resulted in the quickest rejections. Do you get frustrated by being pigeonholed in such statements? #AskAgentCould have just been that the agent was in their inbox at that particular time. Or they have something similar to what you're pitching! #AskAgent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Julie Weathers @Julie_Weathers
@inthesestones @ICT_Pinup @bookendslit #askagent Some writer friends were discussing comps the other day and one mentioned a television show. "Fans of this show would probably enjoy your book." It would make a good comp,'s a television show. Should I keep casting for novels?Honestly? I'm never one to really want comps because it demands that I know the media you're talking about! (Plus there are enough TV shows lately that I want to see—Umbrella Academy I'm looking at you—that are still on my to-watch list! #AskAgent

Literary Agent
Bonnie Erina Ruane @bonnieerina
What is your prediction for trends in the YA market in 2019? #askagentI'm still sitting here really waiting for YA horror to take off... #AskAgent

Literary Agent
Jessica Faust @BookEndsJessica
@catecaldwell66 If it works use it. Comps can be a bit personal. I, for example, am famously known at @bookendslit for my lack of tv/film knowledge. Others however would definitely connect to a comp. 2002 is too old IMHO #askagentI mean, then again if you're sending me something a la great 80s films (Clue or the Breakfast Club) I'm really here for it... I think the cult classics might be the exception to the rule. BUT film is also different from books. #AskAgent

Literary Agent
Joanne Roberts @BookishAmbition
Would you say that you personally are very hands on or editorial with your clients? Thanks #askagentI'm definitely editorial. I love getting my hands into a manuscript and completely make it shine. #AskAgent

Literary Agent
Jerusha @ICT_Pinup
@bookendslitMy comp title ideas are all from a different genre from my WIP. Would that put off an agent? #askagent
I guess I'd wonder why you consider them your comps! #AskAgent

Literary Agent
Rosalyn Ransaw @RosalynRansaw
@BookEndsJessica @bookendslit How does writing/querying a graphic novel work if you’re not also an illustrator? Or is it generally more of an “author/illustrator” only thing? Thanks! #askagentYou can go it alone without an illustrator. You don’t have to be an author/illustrator OR come with a separate illustrator. You do need a full script + synopsis though! #askagent

Literary Agent
Megan Starks🕴️♀️ @fictivate
@inthesestones Hi, Moe! Saw on your MSWL you're a Showalter fan. Are you looking forward to The Darkest Warrior? It's coming out soon, and I have so many feels. (Overall, I can't wait to read it.) #askagentI am! Sadly I haven’t been able to keep up with her series :( (so many books, so little time) — but I do love the series! :^) #askagent

Literary Agent
Hana Sheik @HanaSoChic
@inthesestones Hi! :) Are there any tropes in category romance that are a "no" for you? Also, I've been hearing that there's no point in getting an agent for category romances (publisher usually open to unsolicited material). What are your thoughts? #askagentI’m open to most — save things like secret babies. Kidnappings. Things that are very over the top. And there’s always a point for agents because we are here to negotiate contracts and are your advocate should anything go wrong! #askagent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Dave Scheidt @DaveScheidt
@TracyMarchini @BookEndsJessica @inthesestones Cool! I was hoping it would be something like that where it depended on the agent. Mainstream comics are weird where we pitch all our own stuff direct. I know alot of traditional publishers won't even look at stuff unless you are repped.Definitely depends on the agent and what you’re looking for in said agent in terms of your comic writing/goals. #askagent

Literary Agent
Anna Clarity Kaling @AnnaKaling
#askagent What are the most overused phrases you see in queries?Destiny, “series of events”, chosen one — other similar vague words and phrases that don’t tell me about the plot. #askagent