Connor Goldsmith
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @FuseLiterary . Host of @CEREBROcast and @SFLcast . Writing some comics. Irish, Jewish, gay, loud.
29 AskAgent
177 Queries
40 Tips

Q132: SciFi. Feels very hackneyed. Goofy character names. Pass. #millionqueries

Connor Goldsmith
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @FuseLiterary . Host of @CEREBROcast and @SFLcast . Writing some comics. Irish, Jewish, gay, loud.
29 AskAgent
177 Queries
40 Tips

Q131: SciFi. Writing not strong enough. 55k is too short. Pass. #millionqueries

Connor Goldsmith
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @FuseLiterary . Host of @CEREBROcast and @SFLcast . Writing some comics. Irish, Jewish, gay, loud.
29 AskAgent
177 Queries
40 Tips

Q130: Sword and sorcery. Just doesn't feel unique; very 'this is my D&D campaign.' Pass. #millionqueries

Connor Goldsmith
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @FuseLiterary . Host of @CEREBROcast and @SFLcast . Writing some comics. Irish, Jewish, gay, loud.
29 AskAgent
177 Queries
40 Tips

Q129: Literary Fiction. Honestly with this genre it just comes down to a vibe, for me. Very subjective. Pass. #millionqueries

Connor Goldsmith
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @FuseLiterary . Host of @CEREBROcast and @SFLcast . Writing some comics. Irish, Jewish, gay, loud.
29 AskAgent
177 Queries
40 Tips

Q128: Does not follow sub guidelines. No query letter in email -- all in attachment. Deleted w/o response. #millionqueries

Connor Goldsmith
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @FuseLiterary . Host of @CEREBROcast and @SFLcast . Writing some comics. Irish, Jewish, gay, loud.
29 AskAgent
177 Queries
40 Tips

Q127: SF/Dystopian. Oppressed mutants. A lot of POVs in synopsis (red flag) and the sample is mostly prologue. Pass. #millionqueries

Connor Goldsmith
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @FuseLiterary . Host of @CEREBROcast and @SFLcast . Writing some comics. Irish, Jewish, gay, loud.
29 AskAgent
177 Queries
40 Tips

Q126: SciFi. Already self-pubbed. I cannot do anything with this unless sales figures are excellent, and they're not. Pass. #millionqueries

Connor Goldsmith
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @FuseLiterary . Host of @CEREBROcast and @SFLcast . Writing some comics. Irish, Jewish, gay, loud.
29 AskAgent
177 Queries
40 Tips

Q125: Fantasy. 161k is 2 books, not 1. Fresh, to be sure -- concept is bizarre. Too bizarre, tho; who would buy this? Pass. #millionqueries

Connor Goldsmith
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @FuseLiterary . Host of @CEREBROcast and @SFLcast . Writing some comics. Irish, Jewish, gay, loud.
29 AskAgent
177 Queries
40 Tips

Q124: Literary. 42k is too short. The query letter's really pretentious -- less is more, guys. Put down the thesaurus. Pass. #millionqueries

Connor Goldsmith
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @FuseLiterary . Host of @CEREBROcast and @SFLcast . Writing some comics. Irish, Jewish, gay, loud.
29 AskAgent
177 Queries
40 Tips

Q123: Literary Suspense. Search for kidnapped girl novel. Without a new hook I don't see one of these standing out. Pass. #millionqueries

Connor Goldsmith
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @FuseLiterary . Host of @CEREBROcast and @SFLcast . Writing some comics. Irish, Jewish, gay, loud.
29 AskAgent
177 Queries
40 Tips

Q122: Fantasy. Gay rights allegory with literal fairies. I wrote a blog post about this. Pass. #millionqueries

Connor Goldsmith
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @FuseLiterary . Host of @CEREBROcast and @SFLcast . Writing some comics. Irish, Jewish, gay, loud.
29 AskAgent
177 Queries
40 Tips

Q121: Historical Fantasy. First person and all exposition. Your sample can't read like an introductory diary entry. Pass. #millionqueries

Connor Goldsmith
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @FuseLiterary . Host of @CEREBROcast and @SFLcast . Writing some comics. Irish, Jewish, gay, loud.
29 AskAgent
177 Queries
40 Tips

Q120: Mystery with fantasy elements. 'Cherokee mysticism' that feels bullshitty. Pass. #millionqueries

Connor Goldsmith
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @FuseLiterary . Host of @CEREBROcast and @SFLcast . Writing some comics. Irish, Jewish, gay, loud.
29 AskAgent
177 Queries
40 Tips

Q119: Thriller. Gritty 24-esque deal with the Mossad. Nothing new here. Pass. #millionqueries

Connor Goldsmith
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @FuseLiterary . Host of @CEREBROcast and @SFLcast . Writing some comics. Irish, Jewish, gay, loud.
29 AskAgent
177 Queries
40 Tips

Q118: Literary Fantasy. A memoir of a life spent among leprechauns. I don't really get it. Pass. #millionqueries

Connor Goldsmith
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @FuseLiterary . Host of @CEREBROcast and @SFLcast . Writing some comics. Irish, Jewish, gay, loud.
29 AskAgent
177 Queries
40 Tips

Q117: SciFi. Five mentally ill ex-prostitutes must solve alien first contact, or something. A guy wrote this. Pass. #millionqueires

Connor Goldsmith
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @FuseLiterary . Host of @CEREBROcast and @SFLcast . Writing some comics. Irish, Jewish, gay, loud.
29 AskAgent
177 Queries
40 Tips

Q116: SciFi. 46k is too short. That's not even a NaNoWriMo victory. Sample is boring. Pass. #millionqueries

Connor Goldsmith
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @FuseLiterary . Host of @CEREBROcast and @SFLcast . Writing some comics. Irish, Jewish, gay, loud.
29 AskAgent
177 Queries
40 Tips

Q115: Urban Fantasy. Already self-pubbed; I don't rep self-pubbed books unless the sales numbers are astronomical. Pass. #millionqueries

Connor Goldsmith
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @FuseLiterary . Host of @CEREBROcast and @SFLcast . Writing some comics. Irish, Jewish, gay, loud.
29 AskAgent
177 Queries
40 Tips

Q114: Epic Fantasy. I quite like this, but it's a series w/previous books at small houses. Asked if she has anything else. #millionqueries

Connor Goldsmith
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @FuseLiterary . Host of @CEREBROcast and @SFLcast . Writing some comics. Irish, Jewish, gay, loud.
29 AskAgent
177 Queries
40 Tips

Q112: SciFi. Too expository; sample is all telling, no showing. Awkward prologue. Pass. #millionqueries