Connor Goldsmith
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @FuseLiterary . Host of @CEREBROcast and @SFLcast . Writing some comics. Irish, Jewish, gay, loud.
29 AskAgent
177 Queries
40 Tips

Third #millionqueries is a self-pub. I sadly can't do anything with a work already published unless the sales are astronomical. Pass.

Connor Goldsmith
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @FuseLiterary . Host of @CEREBROcast and @SFLcast . Writing some comics. Irish, Jewish, gay, loud.
29 AskAgent
177 Queries
40 Tips

Next #millionqueries is lit fiction. The query goes on for nearly a page bragging abt the writer's own talent. Pass. Tell me abt the book.

Connor Goldsmith
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @FuseLiterary . Host of @CEREBROcast and @SFLcast . Writing some comics. Irish, Jewish, gay, loud.
29 AskAgent
177 Queries
40 Tips

Okay let's try to get this thing started! First #millionqueries is an urban fantasy. Tough market & the query's not hook-y enough. Pass.