Robbie Guillory
Literary Agent
Underline Literary Agency
Agent at Underline Literary Agency 'Really knows his onions. Pretty clued up on books and stuff too.' Neil Lancaster

Literary Agent
Dr Glenda Cooper @glendacooper
@KNLitAgency @katenashagent @RobbieGuillory @JustinNashLit @NickChapLit #askagent What's the thing agents loathe most when they get submissions. What would you advise people to avoid at all costs?I always like it if it is clear that the author has done a bit of research into the agency (followed submissions guidelines, etc), rather than it just looking like a generic submission. #AskAgent

Literary Agent
Florence Keeling @KeelingFlorence
#AskAgentI recently signed with Simon & Schuster under Digital Originals for a romance novel. I was previously published by a very small traditional publisher & am looking for an agent for future books & to hopefully re-publish my backlist. Do I need a new MS to apply?
We'd need to have an idea of what you were writng next, ideally, even if just a few chapters. #AskAgent

Literary Agent
Anne M Martin @AnneMMartinIrl
If wordcount is high, would splitting it into two or three be viable or is that an editorial decision? #AskAgentPossibly, though it depends on the genre really. This can work for science fiction and fantasy, but not so much for, say crime. #AskAgent

Literary Agent
Alex Hawley @HawleyReviews
Several writers write under a number of different pen names depending on what genre they're in. Does this make it easier or harder for the agent. #askagentIt can be encouraged, so that fans of you (for example) romance writing don't have a shock by accidentally picking up some of your science fiction. #AskAgent

Literary Agent
Hazel Compton @HJCompton
What is the one thing authors can do to help you when reading their queries, or something you wish more authors did when submitting? (I.e. name their attachments clearly) #AskAgentClear labelling is always brilliant, as is a neat subject heading (makes searching so much easier). As long as the submissions guidlelines have been read and followed, we're happy! #AskAgent

Literary Agent
Alex Wholey @alex_wholey
What would be your ideal elevator pitch for a submission? Also can you mention books or tv series which are similar in the pitch? #AskAgentRead/watchalikes can be really useful! I like to be able to see what the main conflict of the book is in an elevator pitch. #AskAgent

Literary Agent
Alex Hawley @HawleyReviews
If you start in one genre such as memoir like I'm doing, then move to crime, which is what I hope to do, would I need a new agent? #askagentProbably not, though some agents do specialise in nonfiction. It is always a good idea to be upfront with any propective agents as to what you want to do with your writing career. #AskAgent

Literary Agent
Jessie Atkinson @jessieatkinsonx
Hi! An agent has asked for my full manuscript. What kind of timeline could I be looking at for a reply?Is asking about what else you hope to write in the future along with the request a positive sign or standard?
Thanks x #AskAgent
Congratulations! I'd say three months is the time to wait before politely nudging.

Literary Agent
Joyce Butler @JoyceBWriter
@katenashagent Hi Kate, Thanks for the reply. Yes, I'm currently just submitting to Literary Agents. Is there any you could possibly recommend? And should I include in the covering letter that I'm seeking an Agent who can shape my book for the market?Its been edited professional twice.
The members directory of the Association of Authors' Agents is a brilliant place to start researching different agents and finding the one that would be best for you.…

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
C S Chamberlain @CS_Chamberlain
@KNLitAgency @katenashagent @RobbieGuillory @JustinNashLit @NickChapLit #AskAgent thanks for the opportunity! My Q: Is it worth re-subbing to agents you subbed to before you realised your query docs could be hugely improved, or is that a burned bridge now? 😆(a.k.a. how much do the query docs matter if the MS is strong?) TIA!You shouldn't really submit the same book to the same agency more than once. We receive so many submissions that we would be overwhelmed otherwise. #AskAgent

Literary Agent
Katie Ginger @KatieGAuthor
@katenashagent My question is, what's the best way for a more established author to approach an agent?Should we have a new book ready, or would you be up for a chat if we're contracted to a publisher but looking for an agent moving forwards?
Hi Katie, we'd always be up for a chat. Your publishing history is enough to show us that you can write, and we can talk about how best we can support that in the future. #AskAgent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Katy M @nightspunwriter
@KNLitAgency @CS_Chamberlain @katenashagent @RobbieGuillory @JustinNashLit @NickChapLit #AskAgent thanks for this opportunity! I'd like to ask how you weigh an exciting concept vs a polished MS. Is it worth querying a book that may sell in the current market even if it's not quite perfect?For me, as long as the writing is really good and I can see a market for it, that can be enough. We can work with you to get the plot/ms in shape for submission. #AskAgent

Literary Agent
Danielle Devlin @snoochems
@KNLitAgency @katenashagent @RobbieGuillory @JustinNashLit @NickChapLit Hi all, thanks so much for this. I’m part of a mentorship with an editor at the moment and have been advised to start thinking of agents to submit to, would it put agents off that I’ve already been through a mentorship with the MS I’m submitting? #askagentAbsolutely not! Being able to have some editorial input before you start submitting is a lovely thing to have, and we wouldn't penalise you for it. #AskAgent

Literary Agent
Catherine Ogston 💙 @CatherineOgston
#askagent Are you taking on YA at present? I have a complete manuscript, with positive feedback so far. TYWe do take on some YA, but not a huge amount. #AskAgent

Literary Agent
Christine Howie @fused_femme
@katenashagent Should you have your manuscript professionally edited before submitting to an agent? #askagentAbsolutely not - we have taken authors on from all walks of life and for a number of reasons people don't have the money to be able to spend on an editor. But it is a good idea to get teh manuscript in as good a shape as you can before submitting. #AskAgent

Literary Agent
Anne M Martin @AnneMMartinIrl
What is the best time of year to submit? I'm planning to query this year as am currently almost finished draft three of my novel #AskAgentWe're usually open for submissions all year round. I don't think that there is a good time, but I'd avoid the weeks around London Book Fair, Frankfurt Book Fair and Christmas, as we're pretty busy then! #AskAgent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Richard @RichYorks
#AskAgent - On mixing genres: I am finishing off, second rewrite, a near future thriller and have concerns about mixing up genres. Any advice on how best to query and pitch this?I'd totally agree with Kate here - don't be worried about mixing genres, but do be clear what you are mixing and what the main thrust of the story is. #AskAgent