Robbie Guillory
Literary Agent
Underline Literary Agency
Agent at Underline Literary Agency 'Really knows his onions. Pretty clued up on books and stuff too.' Neil Lancaster

Literary Agent
Natalie Valishvili @NValishvili
#AskAgent if you requested a full MS, what would be the main reasons to reject it and would you offer the opportunity to edit if you saw promise?There is always the chance that the writing doesn't grab us the way that the sample suggested, or that the plot doesn't go the way we were thinking from the synopsis. If there is enough promise, then I'm always up for an edit!

Literary Agent
Alex Hawley @HawleyReviews
I'm currently writing a memoir; what would you say are the key things I need to do when providing a cover letter to an agent around this topic? #AskAgentMost important for me is: why should someone else care about what you are writing. Memoir can be intensely personal, but it is when that experience resonates with other people that is key.

Literary Agent
Alex Hawley @HawleyReviews
Thanks to @katenashagent, @RobbieGuillory,@JustinNashLit and @NickChapLit my first question to the panel is as an aspiring writer what would you say are the important elements an agent can add? #AskAgent
Great question! I think that first and foremost we're here to help our authors have sustained and worthwhile careers. We look for the right editors at the right publishing houses for their writing, and then negotiate the best possible contracts. #AskAgent

Literary Agent
Laura Gomez @LauraGomezBooks
#AskAgent Are there any surprisingly common things in your subs at the moment? Or things you would love to see but aren't getting?Our submissions have been closed for a few months but are now open again! We'd love to see more psychological thrillers, more fantastic crime (I'd love some gangland), more romcoms!

Literary Agent
Tim Bisset @timbisset
#askagent Hi, will you be doing another trends survey in 2021, and what do you think the key genres/trends will be in fiction in 2021?We likely will, but no firm plans as yet. I'm really interested in what happens to genres in 2021 - we're seeing a lot of interest in crossover fiction that can appeal to multiple reader types. Will this continue? #AskAgent

Literary Agent
Shell @thesparklyshell
@RobbieGuillory Does memoir count as non-fiction or should it be a complete ms for submission?Memoir would be nonfiction, I'd say!

Literary Agent
Emma Prunty @emprunty
@katenashagent @keithapearson re non-fiction/memoir, what do you consider a sample? The first x,000 words or a couple of different chapters? ThanksHi Emma, we'd like to see a few chapters, as well as a chapter synopsis. We've updated our submissions guidelines to break that down.

Literary Agent
Keith A Pearson @keithapearson
#askagentQ: How far in advance of a manuscript being completed can an author seek representation?
For context, I'm planning to complete my twelfth novel by May but I was hoping to pitch it before then.
If your previous novels have been published then a sample would do - we can take your track record from there. But generally, we'd expect any work of fiction to be finished. Nonfiction works differently, and we've updated our submissions guideline to reflect this. #AskAgent

Literary Agent
Justin Murray @Justmurray
Hey guys, this is wonderful thank you! I have an interview 1-2 pm but let me ask this now in case it gets through -what do you look for from good historical fiction coming across your desk? #askagent…I would love to see more historicals! It is important to me that the setting doesn't get in the way of the story - it has to feel authentic, yes, but I don't want to have to chomp through infodumps. #AskAgent

Literary Agent
Alexandra Otto @alexottowrites
@RobbieGuillory @katenashagent @JustinNashLit @NickChapLit #askagent Hello! Do you accept submissions from the US, or do you prefer to focus on authors from the UK? (I know you will not be answering until 1 pm your time - thank you!)We do accept submissions from the US, yes, though as we are based in the UK, we're looking for stories that would resonate with UK publishers first and foremost, so that is worth bearing in mind. #AskAgent

Literary Agent
Linda Stephen @linstevo1
@julietpickering @BristolPrize @mushenska @katenashagent @RobbieGuillory Thanks for doing this! How specific should a synopsis be? I've seen some guidelines say to include every plot twist while others say they don't need (or really want) to know every twist- just to flesh out the pitch. #askagentI like to know what the major beats of the novel are, especially the final twist (if there is one!). #AskAgent

Literary Agent
Jrussellwriter @jrussellwriter
@RobbieGuillory If you like the sample do you ask for the full MS or just the next few chapts? I'm working to submit to the mentorship at Kate Nash btw, just working at polishing the pitch!Great to hear!
I'd ask for the full manuscript at that point. #AskAgent

Literary Agent
Christopher Byford @Morningstaruk
Being that videogames is a massive industry, have you considered selling rights for your clients in that arena? For example, Sapkowski/Witcher and Glukhovsky/Metro 2033 did well. I was wondering if it's seen as more of a niche thing. #askagentIt is something that I am looking into, but at the moment only as a long shot. #AskAgent

Literary Agent
E.S. Alexander @ESAlexander4
#askagent Oooh, knew there's something else I wanted to ask: Titles. I have one (obviously) but wasn't thinking too hard about it when submitting. I've now hit upon a much better title that is much more compelling. Do agents judge a manuscript's title...or is that not an issue?I generally expect that the title will change, if not by my hand, then by the eventual publisher, so amn't very fussed. #AskAgent

Literary Agent
Sammy Walks @_SammyWalks
When submitting work, at what point would you like the author to relay their desire to have the writing published under a pseudonym? Thanks #askagentBefore we submit the book to publishers! Before that, it isn't going to make a huge impact (though we might want to put you on the website, so that would be a good moment also). #AskAgent

Literary Agent
†hε ωεψmαη @WeymanWrites
@RobbieGuillory Hmmm, yeah. I know that Romance is one of the most lucrative genres, so it would make sense that agents are keener to pick up romance writers than others 🤷♂️It certainly is a huge market, but I think there might be more literary fiction agents than romance... haven't counted, mind! #AskAgent

Literary Agent
Valerie Griffin @griffin399
#AskAgent is it too pushy to follow up on a query letter to an agent? I understand they might not be interested but could there be a chance they never received it? Thank you.Not at all! Most agents will have an estimate of how long it would take to get back to you on their websites, to give you an idea when to chase. #AskAgent

Literary Agent
Lilith Antoinette (not related to Mary) @justlilytbh
#askagent could an author use the sales and statistics of a previous self published work to display their ability to attract sales and an audience? Are self published authors given a fair chance compared to traditionally published author?They absolutely could, yes, and should! I don't think that a self-published author moving into trad would be treated any differently. #AskAgent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Tanja Goossens @TanjaGoossens
@julietpickering @mushenska @katenashagent @RobbieGuillory I hope you don't mind me asking, as it's not regarding a manuscript, but how many authors (number or percentage) in your list have you all met through a creative writing course? I would love to include this in my dissertation research for my MA Publishing ☺️ #AskAgentI don't think I've met any of mine through CW courses, but a fair few have done them! #AskAgent