Marlene Stringer
Literary Agent
Stringer Literary Agency
Literary Agent, pop culture follower, Opera lover, birder, early am beach walker, knitter, & my best work: Mom of four

Literary Agent
Just because an agent represents your genre, it doesn't mean your project is right for them for any number of reasons. 1/2 #pubtip

Literary Agent
Writers - Please don't talk about yourself in 3rd person in Q letters. It's just weird. #pubtip

Literary Agent
While we compete, we are still colleagues, and a lot of the times, friends. Please don't badmouth another agent in your Qs. #pubtip

Literary Agent
Writers, pls do yourselves a favor & learn the expectations of your genre. Save yourself unnecessary rejection. #pubtip

Literary Agent
Sometimes people w/the least amt of "free" time are able to write more than full-time writers. Why? Focus. #pubtip

Literary Agent
Writers, keep in mind that publishing is a very small world. Just as in any other business, our friends (and sometimes family & significant others) are coworkers, colleagues, and sometimes competitors. #pubtip

Literary Agent
Most writers are rejected (talent is a given) due to not knowing the tropes and word count for their genre. How do you learn that? You READ in the genre you want to write for publication. #pubtip

Literary Agent
Please don't reference clients' books you obviously haven't read in Qs. Not necessary and looks bad. #pubtip #allwewantisagoodstory

Literary Agent
K Childs Writer @Kchildswriter
@MarleneStringer I'm kind of thinking first few pages should be pretty in context even without a good query- like the writing should be solid all tge way through. But now I'm like "how does one even avoid that" in a query since thats its purpose?I think you misunderstand. Sometimes we receive pages -- just pages. No other info. It's like - guess the genre, the conflict, etc. You need a solid Q to set up the pages for a read. #pubtip

Literary Agent
Writers, please don't write Qs in character. #pubtip

Literary Agent
One of the most important jobs a writer has is to make the reader care about their characters. If a reader isn't invested in what happens to the characters, they won't read. #pubtip

Literary Agent
Do you need to tag every sentence? No. And don't tell readers what characters are doing or feeling w/tags. Ok to just use "said." Not pouted, chided, frowned, corrected, muttered, explained, yelled, spat, whispered, smiled, etc. Sentence should convey mood or attitude.#pubtip

Literary Agent
Writers, there's a difference between a pitch & a synopsis, & a ms needs both before you Q. #pubtip

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Writers - Don't get caught up in talking AROUND your story. When you Q, talk about the story! Everything else is secondary. #pubtip

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Writers, if you're Q'ing don't forget to include what the agent asks for in pages, if any, or you may lose an opportunity. #pubtip