Marlene Stringer
Literary Agent
Stringer Literary Agency
Literary Agent, pop culture follower, Opera lover, birder, early am beach walker, knitter, & my best work: Mom of four

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
If you're writing fiction, your Q is supposed to be about your story. Everything else is background. #pubtip

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Remember in Qs it's important to show the conflict as well as the characters & setting. #pubtip

Literary Agent
Unless an agent expresses interest in seeing a revision, don't resubmit. #pubtip

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Writing a thriller & take till chap 9 to get the storyline moving, pacing's way.... too.... slow. #pubtip

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Agents not trying to be difficult. We need to manage our workload. #pubtip

Literary Agent
If agents ask to see your submission = want to review your work. Send it in the format we req so we can do so in a timely fashion. #pubtip

Literary Agent
Worldbuilding is essential in SFF, but not an end in itself. It must allow the story & characters to live within its framework. #pubtip

Literary Agent
No one judges work on word count alone. But there are expectations for every genre. #pubtip #PitchSlam