Marlene Stringer
Literary Agent
Stringer Literary Agency
Literary Agent, pop culture follower, Opera lover, birder, early am beach walker, knitter, & my best work: Mom of four

Literary Agent
Easiest rejection? Writer is unaware of genre expectations, starting w word count. #pubtip #readtolearn

Literary Agent
If there's a typo in the first line of a Q, it doesn't bode well for outcome. Proofreading is highly recommended. #pubtip

Literary Agent
If you're subbing to agents or editors use a prof email addy. Don't req any 'verification' to answer you. #pubtip #takestoolong

Literary Agent
Rejections: subjective. Can be editor or agent's personal dislike of plot point, storyline, or character. Keep trying.#notpersonal #pubtip

Literary Agent
Humor is the most difficult genre to write because it is so subjective. #pubtip

Literary Agent
Bottom line: Q'ing before ready is not professional. #pubtip

Literary Agent
Agent might take on other projects that compete for time & not be able to read. Or take on diff project on similar topic. #pubtip

Literary Agent
Not to mention losing out on the initial enthusiasm #pubtip

Literary Agent
Because if you receive a req, and cannot deliver immediately, the agent's needs might change before you're done. #pubtip

Literary Agent
Don't start the Q process until your manuscript is edited, polished, and ready to go. #pubtip

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Don't complain to me if a third-party source has incorrect info on THEIR website about what I rep. Always check an agency website. #pubtip

Literary Agent
Writers, write you own Q. Don't send me third-party Qs. Not from your PA, your PR, or your mother. #pubtip

Literary Agent
An agent or editor should never be your first reader. #pubtip

Literary Agent
Writers, when you Q pls don't speak about yourselves in 3rd person. #pubtip

Literary Agent
If an editor or agent req a ms at a conference, don't take too long to submit, or it may not be what they're looking for any longer. #pubtip

Literary Agent
If an agent passes on a project, don't ask them to reconsider. Move on. It's not right for that agent but may be perfect for others. #Pubtip

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Writers - best to Q one ms at a time. Choose your strongest ms to showcase your talent. #pubtip