Marlene Stringer
Literary Agent
Stringer Literary Agency
Literary Agent, pop culture follower, Opera lover, birder, early am beach walker, knitter, & my best work: Mom of four

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Writers ~ not a good idea to write your Qs from the POV of your protagonist. #pubtip

Literary Agent
Writers ~ set up a separate email for your writing. A cutesy or family email or one with a day job auto-response = not professional.#pubtip

Literary Agent
Writers ~ you do not need to pay an intermediary for an "introduction" to a legitimate literary agent. Ck guidelines & send a Q. #pubtip

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Writers - do not have someone else send out your Q. You don't need an agent to query an agent! #pubtip

Literary Agent
Can you risk opening your Q with a question if the answer may be no and an immediate turnoff? Something to consider. #pubtip

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Writers - The same holds true for con pitches. Don't make an editor or agent wait mos. for your submission. Needs change. #pubtip

Literary Agent
Writers - don't pitch until you're ready to submit your ms. #pubtip

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
It's really obvious if a writer tries to write a genre they don't read. Don't do this. #pubtip

Literary Agent
If you Q via a mass mailing of agents, don't be surprised at the lack of response.#pubtip

Literary Agent
A novel Q w/more stats on the potential readership than info on the story doesn't work for me. Tell me something I don't know-STORY! #pubtip

Literary Agent
Writers - it's not ok to borrow elements (characters, etc.)from other writers' works without permission. #pubtip

Literary Agent
Not the best idea to include in your Q that you've had no interest on other Qs sent.

Literary Agent
When sending pages in a Q, don't send a scene in the middle of the ms. Send the opening pages. #pubtip