Alison Fargis
Literary Agent
Literary agent, owner of @StonesongNYC, and on my deathbed, I will receive total consciousness. So I got that going for me, which is nice.

Literary Agent
I *finally* updated my #MSWL page:…

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Melissa Edwards @MelissaLaurenE
A kid just stuck his head out a limo window on 8th Avenue and said, “this is New York City? It’s not impressive.”Me commencing to #mswl the shit out of this.

Literary Agent
Dammit Erin @DammitErin
What I really want is a Hallmark movie where a woman learns the true meaning of Christmas while she hunts a serial killer.I think I speak for everyone at
that this is a group #MSWL item.

Literary Agent
Ellen Scordato @EllenScordato
@MelissaLaurenE @AlisonFargis #extra wood paneling, wrist corsage. I did love a good tan. F'Coppertone. Baby oil 4EVRBaby oil 4EVR should be the title of a YA novel set in the 70s. Another #mswl FTW!!!

Literary Agent
So I guess I should #mswl my godawful #YAGoesToProm story, mono, vomit, “distinct odor,” and all.

Literary Agent
If you’re writing smart, very funny and emotionally powerful novels like @GailHoneyman’s Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, send your query my way. #MSWL