Jessica Alvarez
Literary Agent
BookEnds Literary Agency
Senior literary agent and Foreign Rights Manager, @BookEndsLit. Former editor. Looking for adult fiction and nonfiction. She/her
Literary Agent
Liz Julia @LizJuliaWrites
#bookendschat Are you mostly interested in Childrens-YA right now, or are you considering adult fiction as well?I work only on adult fiction. #bookendschat
Literary Agent
Janel Comeau @VeryBadLlama
Has a comp title in a query ever pushed you over the edge to a request? #BookEndsChatIt hasn’t pushed me over the edge, but some will catch my attention for sure. #bookendschat
Literary Agent
Emily Gerren @EmilyGerren
@Campbele_E @rainforestgardn Following twitters seconded, it's how I heard about my current internship! :) #bookendschatI didn’t know you were on here, @alpacaoverlordy! Emily is our current intern. #bookendschat
Literary Agent
K. L. Hallam 🏳️🌈 @love8rockets
@AgentJessicaA Do you share queries? Or is a no from one, a no from the agency? My apologies if you've answered this already.We sometimes share, but if you get a no from one of us, you can query another agent. #bookendschat
Literary Agent
Jessica Alvarez @AgentJessicaA
@literal_janelle Contests and mags don’t matter to me. Full-length fiction credits might be an advantage or disadvantage. #bookendschatMaybe I’m the only one who doesn’t take them into account. #bookendschat
Literary Agent
Janelle Ambrose @literal_janelle
#bookendschat Is it an advantage to have a publishing history (ie. competitions, lit mags) when querying?Contests and mags don’t matter to me. Full-length fiction credits might be an advantage or disadvantage. #bookendschat
Literary Agent
Claudie Wilson @cawilsonaz
#bookendschat If you request partial/full, does the convo move to email to create a thread or stay on Query Manager?In theory, stays on QueryManager. Sometimes it doesn’t, though. #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
M. Tinguely 🌋 @MaritTing
#BookEndsChat Are there rules for romance sub genres? For ex: what tips the scales from contemporary to erotica ?I wouldn’t say there are “rules”, exactly, but some things naturally fit in one subgenre and some straddle the line #bookendschat
Literary Agent
Rachel Woe @storyofwoe
So much great info! Do you prefer standalone romances or ones with series potential? #BookEndsChatI like those with series potential, but I won’t turn something down because it’s a standalone. #bookendschat
Literary Agent
Janel Comeau @VeryBadLlama
How many queries, on average, do you get in a month? #bookendschatI get 100-150 a month, I think. #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
Steve Asbell @rainforestgardn
What do you love most about being a literary agent? #BookEndsChatThe excitement of helping someone sell their first book. It never gets old. #bookendschat
Literary Agent
Taylor Hobbs @tayhobbit
#BookEndsChat how many debut authors does the agency usually take on per year?It really varies. I don’t know the answer to that. I think I personally took on 2 debuts this year (and sold both). #bookendschat
Literary Agent
Elissa Dickey @ElissaDickey
#BookEndsChat If a manuscript you've seen has been revised substantially, are you open to an author querying again? Thanks!You can always query, but I might ask to see something new instead. #bookendschat
Literary Agent
Justine Elias @j_elias_writes
Any thoughts/tips on what you look for in a synopsis? It's always my Everest. #bookendschatThere’s too much to put in 140 characters. I want to see voice and major plot points. #bookendschat
Literary Agent
Lisa Katzenberger @FictionCity
#BookEndsChat If you've passed on a PB submission, but offered to see more in the future, when is it approprite to submit something new?Take time to absorb any criticism and apply it. In other words—don’t send something new an hour after a rejection #bookendschat
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Janelle Ambrose @literal_janelle
#bookendschat Is it true that a long wait after submitting a full MS to an agent usually means a long goodbye is in the offing?not necessarily. Sometimes we take a long time but end up offering. #bookendschat
Literary Agent
Stephanie "Rebel Scum" Cranford @StephCranford
#BookEndsChat How exciting do you want a query to be? Is there a level where it's misrepresenting the novel itself?I want a query to accurately reflect the book. There needs to be something to catch my interest. #bookendschat
Literary Agent
Steve Asbell @rainforestgardn
How involved is BookEnds on the editorial/career side of things? #BookEndsChatVery! Several of us are former editors. We all edit a lot. And it’s always about a career, not just one book. #bookendschat